Playoffs haven’t started yet
I’ve seen this meme recycled a million times but do people actually do this? Like y’all deadass driving to another gas station instead of running inside for 20 seconds???
I’ve seen this meme recycled a million times but do people actually do this? Like y’all deadass driving to another gas station instead of running inside for 20 seconds??? think theyre talking ab stealing gas n that happens lol
i think theyre talking ab stealing gas n that happens lol
Man what lmao. I don’t think ppl are stealing gas on this global a level for this post to go viral every 3 days 😂
These niggas just socially awkward. Peep the replies they just don’t want to talk to a cashier
I’ve seen this meme recycled a million times but do people actually do this? Like y’all deadass driving to another gas station instead of running inside for 20 seconds??? lol itd have to be way cheaper for me to leave if im already at the pump
We’re in the home straight
home straight?
Celtics and Lakers f***ing done bro
do british ppl really say home straight instead of home stretch
i guess if ur not a home straight you'll need a home stretch every now and then
why u question marking me man ur the one who posted it
why u question marking me man ur the one who posted it
It’s a common saying bro
It’s a common saying bro
its home stretch
Celtics and Lakers f***ing done bro
Woat SZN will be complimented with the woat playoffs
I’ve been watching the Celtics bulls 09 series a lot this last week and good lord has the quality of the nba gone down drastically. They wonder why the ratings suck cuz no one can play defense and every game is a chuck fest 3 point shoot out now
my influence crazy