Also hate the cult of positivity s***s weird as hell
I don’t trust hyper positive people.
Some WOAT posters on this site.
Especially @op
Did this thread offend you?
I am broke and I have a small d***
this not the depressed thread bro
F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F*** F***
Having a court date on ur birthday in the turn of the decade n which might end you up in jail is like the pinnacle of satire
Wouldn’t have been able to fabricate it if I scripted my damn life
Cheers to the motherfucking decade of adulthood
Hate to be the one who plays this role but somebody must keep the balance so here I go:
Nothing means s***.
We are not going anywhere.
Even if we end all suffering, justice will never be served for all of those who died after living an entire life of pain and suffering.
If the beginning of a movie is trash, it doesn’t matter if it gets good from half way to all the way to the end, it’s trash.
If nothing means anything, then everything means everything, this is such a positive thread