Crazy talk to you I know..
Niggas becoming millionaires over night and you talking about a education !
Niggas becoming millionaires over night and you talking about a education !
Are you a millionaire?
Foles has me ready to run through a f***ing wall👑
I need all yall jobs in there though it might be a nigga I can start a business with and embezzle from and I didnt even know it
Who wanna go into business with me
Foles has me ready to run through a f***ing wall running around like he pac smh
I need all yall jobs in there though it might be a nigga I can start a business with and embezzle from and I didnt even know it
Who wanna go into business with me
absolutely no one
I need all yall jobs in there though it might be a nigga I can start a business with and embezzle from and I didnt even know it
Who wanna go into business with me
We don't wanna go into business with most likely to get metoo'd itt
We don't wanna go into business with most likely to get metoo'd itt
Add this NFL Thread Awards for this year
We don't wanna go into business with most likely to get metoo'd itt
I wouldn’t get me too’d I got hoes
I wouldn’t get me too’d I got hoes
deshaun said the same thing
deshaun said the same thing
Those weren’t his hoes. Those were his private contractors.
Why would I me too a girl when I got b****es it dont make sense
Also why Deshaun is an idiot if the allegations true
Foles has me ready to run through a f***ing wall guy lost his job to gardner minshew he needs to take a deep breath