When Edmonton gets swept swept and mcdavid and drai force themselves to vancouver
florida series got game 4 the day after game 3? yeah them boys getting swept
#Bolts 🧹🧹🧹🧹🧹🧹
vasi is singlehandedly killing the panthers
tampa vs avs would be >
Kadri with the poetic performance
PK been ass since the first game at TD garden
tony deangelo and ryan reaves about to kill each other lol
we're so ass on the road man
Rangers in 6
omg that MacKinnon goal
avs really wasted an all time performance smh, 2nd round curse again
now if only we could win a f***ing road game
Mcdavid doing his best petey impersonation
remind me to never ever trust the flames to do jack s*** again.
Mcdavid vs mcKinnon
7-0 at home it's all on raanta
17 shots in the first period and we're down 0-2
20 more mins
i had a bad feeling about this game all day but damn i didn't think it'd be this ugly
Let’s f***ing go man!