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My brother pre-ordered MP4 through Amazon in like 2018
Been playing Super Metroid on the SNES online
Feed us
My pre order of Metroid prime 4 is so old I still got the 20% discount from Amazon prime on it
When there’s 5 minutes left of the new direct
This guy comes on screen
“We have no news to share on BOTW2 but we assure development is going well. We will have more information to share with you when ready”
Who they putting in smash
When there’s 5 minutes left of the new direct
This guy comes on screen
“We have no news to share on BOTW2 but we assure development is going well. We will have more information to share with you when ready”
We can’t get Elden Ring and BOTW2 info in the same year.
expecting to see a lot of zelda and some about the new pokemon as well. I think this is going to be a crazy direct.
expecting to see a lot of zelda and some about the new pokemon as well. I think this is going to be a crazy direct.
I think we will see Pokemon in the Treehouse but probably nothing in the actual Direct. Generally, GF does its own separate Presents a week or two after E3 if I recall correctly.
If they throw us a Metroid/Zelda/Mario bone this will be one of the best e3's since I was a kid
I think we will see Pokemon in the Treehouse but probably nothing in the actual Direct. Generally, GF does its own separate Presents a week or two after E3 if I recall correctly.
i was thinking that but i couldnt remember from the last e3 if they did it like that or not. Is the actual direct like 40 mins?
i was thinking that but i couldnt remember from the last e3 if they did it like that or not. Is the actual direct like 40 mins?
Yea the Direct is 40 minutes and Treehouse is 3 hours so we could see a ton of gameplay in Treehouse but I think that with all the stuff being leaked/rumored, fitting Pokemon in the 40 minutes will be tough especially since they had a Presents in February/March and will have another one shortly. For Pokemon Gameplay, I wouldnt be surprised to see underground gameplay during the treehouse.
Also I watched the trailer for Mario + Rabbids 2 but never played the first one, would anyone recommend that I play it? It's getting a ton of hype now.
I’m sure Nintendo wants as many people as possible to buy SSHD first, so I can totally see this happening again tomorrow
No way they’re gonna allow consumer demand to rush them, especially after Cyberpunk
yeah i’m in this camp as well
pretty sure the main zelda focus will be SS
highly anticipating disappointment on all fronts lol. doubt there will be much new tbh
yeah i’m in this camp as well
pretty sure the main zelda focus will be SS
highly anticipating disappointment on all fronts lol. doubt there will be much new tbh
eh i dont think they will focus on ss. I mean what else is there to talk about for it? its the year for zelda we will definitely see botw sequel news and something else special
Also I watched the trailer for Mario + Rabbids 2 but never played the first one, would anyone recommend that I play it? It's getting a ton of hype now.
It's a great game but wait til it's discounted since it's been on sale constantly in the past.