The only time Sly recorded with Jerry Garcia (Grateful Dead) and New Riders of Purple Sage
And they did a southern country gospel tune of all things
With the kids singing in the choir to Sly testifying
😎one of the greatest
Eric Clapton said about this man ‘ John Martyn is so far ahead on guitar it’s inconceivable ‘
! how fast this mf does not panic when he breaks a string & still entertains the crowd for 3 n half minutes . Even biting off the end and spitting it out. With so much talent, he still doesn’t call off the song. Now keep in mind someone requested it in the audience.
And then the transformation when he starts up the song and that voice hits
If you don’t have solid air, get that s***. It’s crazy how it sounds on a stereo
You are watching one of the greatest do a song that wasn’t even on the setList.
@flosh @Soupvillain @zerofatigue
The goat, rip...he even chugs a beer can. Stream the deluxe on ya streaming platforms 😭😭😭😭
WE AINT GOT STIRNGS wow the composure has me shook
Was in Prince’s npg band for a few months, (probably left because of the demanding time it takes over you)
R.a.d. Drummer is from tower of power. You know you are a bad ass when that drummer is in your band.
Watch how she walks in & hits that clavinet keyboard patch & then she starts singin* mercy sexy & talented, one of oaktown’s greatest from the bay.
another great person
his phrasing and lyrics :
way ahead of his time & one of the goats. always telling you something in his songs like a african griot. hard to describe what his music is like. 😎
but he has voice of a god. this man’s catalog of songs undefeated. his wordplay with melodies 😭 😭
jazz world embraced him and he continues to release records for 30 years & counting.
This is heat
The only time Sly recorded with Jerry Garcia (Grateful Dead) and New Riders of Purple Sage
! they did a southern country gospel tune of all things
With the kids singing in the choir to Sly testifying
@flosh @Soupvillain @zerofatigue
speaking of the grateful dead, ive been listening to them lately during quarantine. perfect time to listen to long ass drawn out songs
@AudioConsulting and you posted about John Martyn i love him, Solid Air is such a special album
This one too
@AudioConsulting and you posted about John Martyn i love him, Solid Air is such a special album
You see the David Gilmour live clips with him? Both on electric Goddamn....they play so quiet & beautiful together on one track. 😭
You can tell that how Clapton became a vocalist & got the confidence , he was listening to John Martyn records.
Now it just so happens Clapton was blessed twice.....maybe he didn’t sing because he was always behind greats ..who knows
But it’s clear after his band run with cream, etc, he was a John Martyn head.
the crowd are stunned at D’angelo’s musicianship here. man I would have been there GROOVIN
nicki minaj looking lost sums it up do not know real music when it comes along. Pino on the bass
Chris Dave on the drums
kill me. Quarantine funk
You see the David Gilmour live clips with him? Both on electric Goddamn....they play so quiet & beautiful together on one track. 😭
You can tell that how Clapton became a vocalist & got the confidence , he was listening to John Martyn records.
Now it just so happens Clapton was blessed twice.....maybe he didn’t sing because he was always behind greats ..who knows
But it’s clear after his band run with cream, etc, he was a John Martyn head.
nah never heard him with Gilmour, ill look it up
tbh I never liked Clapton's singing at all. even though i'm a considerable fan of his (non solo) stuff
the crowd are stunned at D’angelo’s musicianship here. man I would have been there GROOVIN
nicki minaj looking lost sums it up do not know real music when it comes along. Pino on the bass
Chris Dave on the drums
kill me. Quarantine funk
Goat, come back d! I love the demo he & quest made where Mary j turned it into a song
Still don’t got the voodoo sessions box set yet 😭😭
the crowd are stunned at D’angelo’s musicianship here. man I would have been there GROOVIN
nicki minaj looking lost sums it up do not know real music when it comes along. Pino on the bass
Chris Dave on the drums
kill me. Quarantine funk
Sugahdaddy turns me into James Brown no lie. That hoe JAMS
Goat, come back d! I love the demo he & quest made where Mary j turned it into a song
! don’t got the voodoo sessions box set yet 😭😭
hoping for an album sooner rather than later to bless these ears🙏🏽 black messiah can hold me over though
Was in Prince’s npg band for a few months, (probably left because of the demanding time it takes over you)
! Drummer is from tower of power. You know you are a bad ass when that drummer is in your band.
Watch how she walks in & hits that clavinet keyboard patch & then she starts singin* mercy sexy & talented, one of oaktown’s greatest from the bay.
@flosh @Soupvillain @zerofatigue
This is amazing and thanks for tagging me in these posts, really enjoying myself :)
One of the goat black funk rock soul bands of our time, they made their millions producing for acts like Paula Abdul. (Surprisingly)
But on their free time, they were recording & writing s*** like this:
Notice how they all trade vocal lines like on some family stone s***.
One of the watershed moments for this band is this lp “ moon over Scorpio”
If you listen to the lyrics you can tell these mf’s are all deep songwriters. You want to talk about a powerful song. They have that audience transfixed. They don’t even know what to think,
Their front woman is one of the baddest of all time as well. All great musicians with amazing energy to boot.
Jeffrey Smith - Peter lord - Sandra st victor
You can’t go wrong with moon 🌝 over Scorpio ♏️ Lp. 😭😭😭😭
Goat, come back d! I love the demo he & quest made where Mary j turned it into a song
! don’t got the voodoo sessions box set yet 😭😭
oh my goodness that bassline is incredible
bruh I love those intentional delayed drum kicks so much. quest and jay dee really changed the game with those sloppy kicks
Ok now this is a true quarantine classic
there’s so many great things about this song, but those chords man.... captivating from the very start. this is going in to my playlist... and not to mention how much a legend bootsy collins is
Ok now this is a true quarantine classic
Definite goat s***. 😎
Was in Prince’s npg band for a few months, (probably left because of the demanding time it takes over you)
! Drummer is from tower of power. You know you are a bad ass when that drummer is in your band.
Watch how she walks in & hits that clavinet keyboard patch & then she starts singin* mercy sexy & talented, one of oaktown’s greatest from the bay.
@flosh @Soupvillain @zerofatigue
dude this girl got soul wtf
One of the shamans’s of moody soul , his voice & that intro with those lyrics. 😳
Cut down before the height of his powers partyin in LA hopped on amphetimines. Police tasered him off a balcony ledge naked & fell to his death. (Allegedly) Didn’t even have a gun. 😔
From the slept on ‘ Skin ‘ lp. It’s available for streaming 😎
His falsetto is crazy on his lp.
The demo of this is called “power” and it’s on some civil rights equality
Which sort of explains the lyrics of the lp version. 😳
Uk goat from Wolverhampton
@Babybop_ @Soupvillain @flosh @Sean_Combs_Filter @RVI
Elektra really was blessed to have him on their roster 😔 listen to his lp. So great a talent 😭😭😭