Crazy he still hasnt released an album after years of promo
Crazy he still hasnt released an album after years of promo
Was thinking exactly that lately. Dude needs to come back with that Exis energy, still his best project imo. Love his work usually though.
Was thinking exactly that lately. Dude needs to come back with that Exis energy, still his best project imo. Love his work usually though.
Yup Exis my fav aswell, though WAD was amazing aswell. Wish he was able to tap into that vibe again
New Roy previewed
This doesn’t sound good imho 🥲
New Roy previewed
Ok but need to hear more
Was thinking exactly that lately. Dude needs to come back with that Exis energy, still his best project imo. Love his work usually though.
He said in an interview he was young and inexperienced and had no idea what he was singing about in that era, so he can't tap into that sound anymore
He said in an interview he was young and inexperienced and had no idea what he was singing about in that era, so he can't tap into that sound anymore
That's unfortunate. Great project!
He said in an interview he was young and inexperienced and had no idea what he was singing about in that era, so he can't tap into that sound anymore
Raw talent
just ran his s*** back after like 6 years, exis . jealousy & drama especially are monumental records.
new single Hold Still
! good
Roy Woods Q&A on the OVO Sound Discord starting in the next 15m