In, need some new music from him
CARE FOR ME was top 3 for me that year
This loosie was dope too
Calligraphy's been kind of f***ing me up since my friend passed away some weeks ago, real talk
Didnt Care for me drop in 2018 b?
We are due for a new project
he drops every two years, we definitely getting something this year
in, care for me's phenomenal
in, care for me's phenomenal
It really is, I was just playing BUSY/SIREN'S and Broken Girls earlier this week.
Saba mad slept on frfr seen dude live 4 times now his energy is unmatched
Also fire as drops been rocking with them all week
oh snap. dropped so early
will listen after work
Saba really lapped all his peers in record time man.
there is no way that it hit 1 mil with only 1.7k likes on yt
i guess in 2023 even Saba can get those paid views from the label lmao