Man all these niggas do is talk about sports on twitter
Mainly talking bout Frank goonie an Armani who is like tangentially related to slayworld
holy f*** these summrs snippets lately been AMAZING he leveled up again
holy f*** these summrs snippets lately been AMAZING he leveled up again
this sound hard lol
New project otw “stuck in my ways”
I was looking up pics of autumn shirtless and I noticed he has the 1997 tattoo so he's 24-25 kept seeing comments saying he's 30
I was looking up pics of autumn shirtless and I noticed he has the 1997 tattoo so he's 24-25 kept seeing comments saying he's 30
nigga ain’t nobody thought he’s 30 like be for real
nigga ain’t nobody thought he’s 30 like be for real
bro took the jokes too seriously