Well it's still cheaper compared to the other 4 TB NVME M.2 SSD that I saw like 2 weeks ago which was at $1050... So it's $150 cheaper. Now its cost for 8 TB's... Yeah this is too much and will take some time until it can be afforded but I'll keep an eye on it if I do build a PC since the PS5 so far only supports NVME M.2 SSD's up to 4 TB's until an update later on or when a PS5 Pro is out maybe.
But yeah I feel you lol... This ain't cheap man but not much different from what a 4 TB SSD for the XSX would cost which would be at $880-$900 anyway as well. Anyway there's always the Summer, BF, CB and Xmas sales if you want these NVME M.2 SSD's for a more reasonable price
Yeah its just crazy to me that it costs more than a console. Think people should just learn how to do some storage management
Also Iirc the samsung 980 gives the same speeds as the ps5 if you were interested and its a lot cheaper
Yeah its just crazy to me that it costs more than a console. Think people should just learn how to do some storage management
Also Iirc the samsung 980 gives the same speeds as the ps5 if you were interested and its a lot cheaper
Yeah for console gamers only so is that price very mind-blowing in a bad way but since I don't only use consoles (PS4/PS5/NS) so am I not surprised and would usually wait until a NVME M.2 SSD is on sale to get it or if it's not too expensive then when it's brand new and not when a better one is out soon. So yeah it's like whatever for me as I'm not surprised but do hope that they'll be cheaper even when they're new in the next 2-3 years hopefully.
Yep I do know about it but since there's ones that have speeds above 7 GB's/s so am I either waiting until Samsung releases one that's better or I'll basically get the best one out during October-December 2021 or what's out in 2022 and do hope its speed and price is good
Oh btw guys check this out...
why do Sony fans do this?
im actually stoked to try Kena
i wonder if Xbox fans will bomb Kena
Those aren’t user scores... that’s what journalists gave the game
Games always have different scores for each platform because each platform offers different experiences, features, etc. and they often run/perform differently in terms of fidelity, bugs, etc
Need some help picking out a gaming headset for Ps5 any suggestions other than the pulse 3D
Not bad tbh
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kinda want to buy scarlett nexus for $35 but i also dont think ill have time to play before holiday sales anyways
Any whispers about the next state of play?
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It works if you’ve signed up in the past before but are currently expired
I'm curious if any of you guys are gonna buy psychonauts 2 for PS5
I’ll cop on PS5 yeah, should I play the original first? It’s only 10 bucks on PSN
I’ll cop on PS5 yeah, should I play the original first? It’s only 10 bucks on PSN
downloading now, maybe I can finish b4 the sequel comes out at midnight but idk how long this game is
file size is only 2GB. Crazy how small games used to have to be lol
It works if you’ve signed up in the past before but are currently expired
My s*** almost running out
Psychonauts 2 might be GOTY, only 7 hours in rn but holy f*** am I blown away. Also runs great on PS5, too bad about the no native version thing
Yeah ik, but kinda hoping they communicate when I can buy a f***ing PS5 without competing in a lottery/waiting list for it...
Yeah its just crazy to me that it costs more than a console. Think people should just learn how to do some storage management
Also Iirc the samsung 980 gives the same speeds as the ps5 if you were interested and its a lot cheaper
Yeah that’s batshit. I wanted a ps5 external hard drive but I’m good after seeing these prices. Double the price of the console
Sony at least should have released the PS5 with 2tb drives since you only get 600gigs upon launch
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And non-active ones... So it should be also people who have to renew their subscription soon or it did already end