@americana what is reconcilation?
It looks like reconciliation is a way to pass legislation without a 60-senator majority by framing legislation as a non-discretionary budget issue.
By asking committees to write and incorporate legislative changes that can “achieve budgetary goals” (not the real point of the bill) they can pass “budget bills” that are really a bunch of railroaded bills thrown into one hodgepodge that don’t have to receive 60 votes but now 51
It looks like reconciliation is a way to pass legislation without a 60-senator majority by framing legislation as a non-discretionary budget issue.
By asking committees to write and incorporate legislative changes that can “achieve budgetary goals” (not the real point of the bill) they can pass “budget bills” that are really a bunch of railroaded bills thrown into one hodgepodge that don’t have to receive 60 votes but now 51
Yep I remember when the dems were contemplating doing that to pass s*** at the beginning of bidens term.
Went how most dem actions usually go
now THIS is what I call a take
I was a ZOG bot
US supreme court weakens rules on discharge of raw sewage into water supplies
Yep I remember when the dems were contemplating doing that to pass s*** at the beginning of bidens term.
Went how most dem actions usually go
They did this for the covid stimulus checks and also the "inflation reduction" bill
US supreme court weakens rules on discharge of raw sewage into water supplies
“Poo water legalized” has me in shambles thanks op
US supreme court weakens rules on discharge of raw sewage into water supplies
the freedom to poison the nation's waterways
Our defenders of democracy
https://twitter.com/yashar/status/1897676558607045023im never going to visit this thread again
im never going to visit this thread again
It's supposed to go in here, lol.
Our defenders of democracy
https://twitter.com/yashar/status/1897676558607045023Come get us China
Come get us China
When China finally destroys you
Our defenders of democracy
Our defenders of democracy
AOC got a lil chun li bop
US supreme court weakens rules on discharge of raw sewage into water supplies
“Poo water legalized” has me in shambles thanks op
as a huge democrat, surely its a winning strategy to invite far right grifters onto your platform and say that you agree with them. ben shapiro next?