  • Jul 7, 2024

    bought a ps1 for $10 at a local flea market. genuinely surprised the thing even works lmfao. the guy who sold it to me told me that rain got on it, but it was dirt cheap anyway so i figured, worse case scenario i just resell it for parts.

    but it actually turned on, shows picture, the sound works, and it read discs just fine. only problem is the eject button gets jammed sometimes and i dont think the controller ports work? the controller glows red when i plug it in but when im trying to press start on a game it doesn't respond. seems like an easy fix to replace though.

  • Jul 7, 2024

    circle of the moon

    one of my fav castlevania games

  • Sep 20, 2024

    Some new pickups today. Feels good to be able to buy Gameboy cartridges now that I have an a***ogue pocket to use them on.