So the patriots did nothing wrong?
Are you trying to compare secretly videotaping practices and hand signals before the sb to watching film?
Lol did that nigga do the Randy Orton?
Wwe influence lmaaaooo. Trying to suck up to McMahon
Wwe influence lmaaaooo. Trying to suck up to McMahon
Tryna get a bonus & s***.
Are you trying to compare secretly videotaping practices and hand signals before the sb to watching film?
Several of them acknowledge that during pregame warm-ups, a low-level Patriots employee would sneak into the visiting locker room and steal the play sheet, listing the first 20 or so scripted calls for the opposing team's offense.
Several of them acknowledge that during pregame warm-ups, a low-level Patriots employee would sneak into the visiting locker room and steal the play sheet, listing the first 20 or so scripted calls for the opposing team's offense.
So, you are trying to compare stealing game scripts to watching film lol
No way they just brought up his sexual assault case
It's the Got Damn XFL
Vince is about entertainment and intrigue first
I'm shocked there isnt gonna be sexual harassment of cheerleaders in this one like that last time he did this
So, you are trying to compare stealing game scripts to watching film lol
I'm saying he saying them saying the plays and you hearing them on tv means theoretically they could just have a nigga listening to the game on tv telling everyone whats up
Realistically that probably wouldn't be viable unless everyones communication and memory is extremely good
I'm saying he saying them saying the plays and you hearing them on tv means theoretically they could just have a nigga listening to the game on tv telling everyone whats up
Realistically that probably wouldn't be viable unless everyones communication and memory is extremely good
First off, there is always going to be a delay between what's happening live and what you see on tv.
Let's say that you are able to pick it up, how are you going to communicate that to the coaches and have the coaches communicate that to 11 players in 15 seconds