Go on…
camps next for the unvaccinated?
Cloudcroft is cool. What about Yosemite in like March that’s what I was thinking
That’d be amazing jus lil cold at night in March still prolly
Idk what's sadder, the invisible defense or the tweet misspelling invisible
if McChickens looked like that every time id cop
Stick 2 filet o fish patties in there and then we’re talking
thats $9 for the fish alone lol
Need to see 2K gameplay
Just watch gameplay from the last 10 2K games lol
this s*** looks the EXACT same as last year
f*** no babehh ✊
They changed the font on the scoreboard and the color of the numbers on the play clock lol
F*** EA and f*** Madden
Need to see 2K gameplay
U know damn well all they changed this year is add more sweat
remember in high school this ditsy teacher asked how gangnam style was pronounced and i said gangbang style and she dutifully said that the rest of the class
and yeah the other thread re-opened if anyone cares
I knew u didnt have it in you to do little ol’ me like we all collectively did lil_yzy_squirt
Stick 2 filet o fish patties in there and then we’re talking
I'm rocking with this
I knew u didnt have it in you to do little ol’ me like we all collectively did lil_yzy_squirt
I was just gonna keep that locked till I got some lunch I'm ngl lol
Simply will never remember whatever the actual spoiler embed is