Why the f*** would kanye tour when he has a son coming in December and Trab is already on tour with the Weeknd. And why would he tour at all right now? He has no f***ing new music to play it would make no sense to see him perform nowadays. Better be new music
all this mad nostalgic
You're posting the wrong link bro.
On pc right click open image in new tab and copy the link.
Not the google link or whatever
Some kid got stuck and the op didn’t help them out
LMFAO just read the first few pages of thread got me dying . He pulled up with that weird ass skateboard too
Baella got perma’d for posting this gif
Who is that in the gif again ?
Broooooo they tore this guy apart for like 2 months everyday photoshopping him in every Yeezus Tour picture.
Anyway to find the OG thread ?
cisco masturbating on skype to get infos on carter V that ended up all being false since the album got reworked so much