Don’t expect too much guys. Last time they did a revival they legitimately said they were out of ideas and burnt out during those last seasons. (On DVD commentary of the Oracle/Bender being a cop episode)
I’m expecting nothing but happy af to see it return nonetheless
Don’t expect too much guys. Last time they did a revival they legitimately said they were out of ideas and burnt out during those last seasons. (On DVD commentary of the Oracle/Bender being a cop episode)
I’m expecting nothing but happy af to see it return nonetheless
I wish it never got canceled and burnt out on FOX
idk how they’re gonna continue from where they left off, but f\*\*\* it
they literally went back around to being young again so theyll probably keep their memories or not and s\*\*\* will just be different as if that event didnt happen
predictions for celebrity cameos in the head museum?
pray to god elon musk doesnt have a cameo
I wish it never got canceled and burnt out on FOX
It was bound to happen eventually tbh
Don’t expect too much guys. Last time they did a revival they legitimately said they were out of ideas and burnt out during those last seasons. (On DVD commentary of the Oracle/Bender being a cop episode)
I’m expecting nothing but happy af to see it return nonetheless
Yeah I wouldn't have high expectations
But get new people in who do have fresh ideas
is futurama worth watching?
Yeah it’s amazing
Way better than Simpsons/Family Guy/American Dad style show
Not having the original bender the first red flag
They can keep it if they don’t bring the VA back
Yeah I wouldn't have high expectations
But get new people in who do have fresh ideas
As long as those people are qualified, sure. I just have trouble thinking anyone would meld well with their writing staff cause they’re all bonafide nerds down to their pocket protectors