What's folks' movie ranking?
I'm thinking
Bender's Big Score > Into The Wild Green Yonder > Beast With A Billion Backs > Bender's Game
wasn't expecting an answer this thoughtful, thank you so much
He’s right but he forgot to mention how the last episode that ended the Comedy Central run with was a 10/10 top tier futurama episode
This but no king of the hill revival is disgusting especially when groening quality fell off a cliff
He’s right but he forgot to mention how the last episode that ended the Comedy Central run with was a 10/10 top tier futurama episode
Btwn @localblaccmane saying there's gems in the CC seasons and this that's enough for me to watch it all the way through
I see your post about the writer's talking about running out of ideas, wish I could find a video of that on YT
This but no king of the hill revival is disgusting especially when groening quality fell off a cliff
Get outta my thread
Btwn @localblaccmane saying there's gems in the CC seasons and this that's enough for me to watch it all the way through
I see your post about the writer's talking about running out of ideas, wish I could find a video of that on YT
I’ve watched so many videos about futurama and I know for a fact I could make a way more in depth one with all the nerding out I’ve done over this show lol the commentary has sooo much good info like their obsession with tryna get free MAC computers for their office which is why you see Apple type products everywhere in the show
This but no king of the hill revival is disgusting especially when groening quality fell off a cliff
king of the hill is getting a sequel series last time i heard
Season 5 was a collection of four episode long arcs/movies.
Bender's Big Score
The Beast with a Billion Backs
Bender's Game
Into the Wild Green Yonder
In my opinion all these movies hit, with Bender's Game probably being the weakest, but to me still enjoyable. I'd actually recommend watching those first and see if you're interested in continuing onto season 6 and 7. I think how they did season 5 as movies was a good send off for the series if they left it there.
Overall seasons 6 and 7 are pretty whatever. If you like Futurama there's still a lot to enjoy, because it's still Futurama end of the day. There are a few solid episodes in each as well, but you'll probably be left saying "They probably should've just stopped after the movies".
man i loved those movies as a kid, i’m annoyed disney+ doesn’t just include the full versions and splits them up as episodes
man i loved those movies as a kid, i’m annoyed disney+ doesn’t just include the full versions and splits them up as episodes
To be fair they are all separate episodes lol I have Bender's Big Score on DVD and the episodes are split as well
Funny think about the first revival is that I feel like the most popular gifs and memes I see from the show come from that era, as opposed to the OG run.
I’ve watched so many videos about futurama and I know for a fact I could make a way more in depth one with all the nerding out I’ve done over this show lol the commentary has sooo much good info like their obsession with tryna get free MAC computers for their office which is why you see Apple type products everywhere in the show
Damn a Futurama deep dive video before the revival would go hard
man i loved those movies as a kid, i’m annoyed disney+ doesn’t just include the full versions and splits them up as episodes
That was the network’s doing. They wanted to test the waters of revival with movies but also wanted the movies to be able to be broken up into episodes for cable syndication. The streaming services are just following that nonsense
no reason for me to be upset about this
let’s get it
yeah it's not like it's the first time the show's been brought back to life lol in for more