Now they are just old motherfuckers scared of stuff like weed and other tings. As a society us younger people need to tell them to shove it up their ass and f*** off bruv
Youll be a boomer one day son.
It’s a mentality.
I wont have a sexist racist or just plain ignorant mentality
They took our jobs!
A generation that once had lite bigotry, morals and ethics are being replaced with sjw, technocrats ideologues whom believe in finessing those around them.
It’s a mentality.
I wont have a sexist racist or just plain ignorant mentality
There will be new things that currently aren't accepted and are considered weird and or illegal. You don't know how you will react to those. Boomers are, just like everyone, a product of their environment.
bro f*** boomers
no bro actually its millennials that are the issue
How is it millenials
they're captions for the pictures above them
And? None of millennials even finished university yet so I really don't know how you can blame them for anything
they're captions for the pictures above them
Also you can do the same thing with previous generations. Just post a picture of something that isn't as socially accepted in other generations (rock and punk cringe)
Also you can do the same thing with previous generations. Just post a picture of something that isn't as socially accepted in other generations (rock and punk cringe)
no i mean they're captions for the picture in that boomers blame millennialsfor everything but millennial blame boomers for everything, not that i'm personally saying that
big L for me w/ formatting, thought quotes would show up better
no i mean they're captions for the picture in that boomers blame millennialsfor everything but millennial blame boomers for everything, not that i'm personally saying that
big L for me w/ formatting, thought quotes would show up better
Oh yeah that's true
I hate this anti boomer rhetoric going round now, listen not all boomers are rich or even have an easy life, a lot of them suffered from the result of the war and struggled in life just as much as anyone, why are people grouping a whole generation with a bunch of millionaire a******s?