Nah that went over my head what that mean
can u just upload to google drive or mega I don’t even know what this means
don’t let what go over my head and what this gotta do w you uploading a file?
Still need that google drive link?
It means the files so big it’ll prolly be May 13th by the time it finish uploading
May 13th is when this releases VOD
can’t believe I had to explain that to you but oh well lmao
u a enemy of the people
I’ve had this movie on my hard drive for over a year lmao. Was definitely my favorite movie I watched last year. I’m sure you guys will enjoy it
This was your fav movie? Guess it tracks.
This was mediocre in every possible way
This was your fav movie? Guess it tracks.
This was mediocre in every possible way
was he quoting me?
Haddish is a star. Lively, on point vocal delivery, change in demeanor, etc in both this and card counter