I said it before and i'll say it again...if Jay-Z would've taken out "I Know What Girls Like" & "Always Be My Sunshine" and replaced them with "Wishing On a Star" and "Only A Customer", this album would've been his second back to back classic in a row, and a proper follow up to Reasonable Doubt.
Crazy how Nas succeeded where Jay failed
One of those once in a lifetime albums (no pun intended)
i agree with u 100% flawless album to me
I said it before and i'll say it again...if Jay-Z would've taken out "I Know What Girls Like" & "Always Be My Sunshine" and replaced them with "Wishing On a Star" and "Only A Customer", this album would've been his second back to back classic in a row, and a proper follow up to Reasonable Doubt.
two songs don’t stop it from being a classic when the rest are great
I said it before and i'll say it again...if Jay-Z would've taken out "I Know What Girls Like" & "Always Be My Sunshine" and replaced them with "Wishing On a Star" and "Only A Customer", this album would've been his second back to back classic in a row, and a proper follow up to Reasonable Doubt.
I think he could have concentrate all 3 volumes highs in one album and it would have been his 2nd classic
there’s only two iffy songs at max the rest is great
"Two" and "iffy" is being very generous.
"Two" and "iffy" is being very generous.
what songs other than i know what girls like and sunshine on that album are iffy cos i’m not being generous here...
what songs other than i know what girls like and sunshine on that album are iffy cos i’m not being generous here...
I mean you are also saying that this album is top 2 or top 3 Jay Z for you so yeah you're definitely being generous here due to bias lmao
Great album minus like two songs
Intro classic
Imaginary Player and Where Im From two of his most quotable songs
Who You Wit beat
Lucky Me slept on
You Must Love Me a beautiful outro
Always liked Real Niggaz ft. Too Short a lot
I mean you are also saying that this album is top 2 or top 3 Jay Z for you so yeah you're definitely being generous here due to bias lmao
i’m not being biased because i’ve never seen anyone slander any songs off that album that wasn’t sunshine or i know what girls like. what were u gonna suggest? lucky me?
Great album minus like two songs
Intro classic
Imaginary Player and Where Im From two of his most quotable songs
Who You Wit beat
Lucky Me slept on
You Must Love Me a beautiful outro
Always liked Real Niggaz ft. Too Short a lot
you know music
I actually like Sunshine
i think the video is what did that song in
song has always been hard to me
imaginary player one of my all time favorite jay songs and this actually has some of his most personal tracks
I also feel City is Mine is criminally underrated in his discog
How many of these kids on here actually heard this when it dropped or were even alive. I remember my cousin bringing this home when he stayed with us.