Retail money from govt handouts are going into wall st and this is what happens. Retail money ends up in institution pockets one way or another.
Buying low on oil doesn't have to be terrible, but you can't tie your net worth to one thing didn't even leave himself a nest egg
Important lesson kids
!https://youtu.be/DdSfTsTSjwAto be honest if he got in with 31$ he good in the long long run. 6 months ago it was at 77$. No way it will stay at this level without going back to 35$ at least once. It's not like there is a climate change revolution and clean energy revolution based on corona virus developments.
I am no expert on finance and stuff but it's doesn't look that bad . Actually if he has some kind of luck he could make a good profit out of this just if he waits. Lowest point was 17$ just 4 months ago. Its on an upward trajectory.
If he got in at USD 31 he's straight.
he was all in at like $30.50 or something and he was like "my sell target is $100", now his sell target is $60 like 2 weeks later and it still hasn't gotten over $31
Oil never hitting a $100 ever again tho
UPDATE: He's lost $10k today from the $USO dip