  • Dec 25, 2021

  • Dec 25, 2021
    Osama bin Harden
    · edited

    The anime in 2021

    goat year for straw hats to the

  • Dec 27, 2021

  • Dec 27, 2021

    Can one piece do a rassengon? If not, is he even powerful?

    No but he can do gum gum p**** in ur mama

  • Dec 27, 2021

    Luffy vs Kaido lasting more than a year ayooo

  • Dec 27, 2021
    Chief Julio

    When you realize that Kaido has been a fantastic father to literally everyone in his crew outside of his actual daughter

    Yamato a real Shonen protagonist

  • Dec 27, 2021

  • Dec 28, 2021

    Great fight

  • Dec 28, 2021
    1 reply

    alright finally made it to Thriller Bark lmfaoooo took me so long to get through Water 7. that arc has some of the best moments in the series so far but damn it drags too. got much better once they made it to Enies Lobby

  • Dec 29, 2021

    alright finally made it to Thriller Bark lmfaoooo took me so long to get through Water 7. that arc has some of the best moments in the series so far but damn it drags too. got much better once they made it to Enies Lobby

    You're gonna miss Water 7 eventually

    So much greatness ahead of you but man once you get some distance from Water 7 >>>

  • Dec 30, 2021

    When do the next chapter and episode come out?

  • steph is shanks
    kaido is giannis
    big mom is durant
    lebron is blackbeard
    jokic is luffy

  • Jan 1, 2022

    Finished Whole Cake Island

    Holy f*** 10/10, S Tier, Top 2 and it ain't 2

    Everything about this arc was just insane. All the characters that were introduced and who came back, all the islands and locations, the emotional impact, the fight scenes, even the musical stuff with Big Mom. I thought Oda was in his bag for Dressrosa but this blew it out of the f***ing water. I don't even know how to compile all my thoughts about it. I'll just have to cover the big stuff I guess. I'll try not to use too many smilies to not take up so much of the page.

    Whole Cake Island and Totto Land were so much fun as locations. I loved that Big Mom's kids were the Ministers of some type of snack and had their own islands. We didn't get to see a ton of them but it was just enough to give us a sense of scope and size of the Big Mom Pirates and how powerful they are. Then you learn that all the happiness there is a facade because everyone who lives in Totto Land has to literally pay with their lifespan to continue living there and Big Mom uses that lifespan to create more homies which just adds to the size of her army and creates this underlying feeling of creepiness knowing that all food and utensils are alive because they have parts of other peoples souls

    Sanji's backstory I've felt like Sanji hasn't been that great since the timeskip but man this arc really brought him back and added so much depth to him. Sanji being considered a failure basically from birth by his dad and his brothers and getting constantly abused by them was so hard to watch. It adds so much more context to his relationship with the Straw Hats and Baratie, because they're seemingly the only ones who have ever valued him

    Aww, man, the scene where Luffy and Nami catch up to Sanji to try and take him back. That s*** was 1000x sadder than when Luffy fought Usopp. Sanji thinks about all the things he's gonna lose if he tries to escape and he feels so hopeless that he decides to just fight Luffy, when all Luffy wants to do is just talk

    Luffy refuses to use his haki or to even dodge Sanji's attacks and he gets ko'd cause of it. Then when he gets up and yells at Sanji as they're driving away:

    “No matter how many times you kick me, you’re the one that gets hurt."

    That entire speech and visual of Sanji crying with his head in his hands hurt so f***ing bad. I legit shed a tear and had to take a break after that scene.

    Then Sanji decides that he might as well try to make the best of it and he accidentally sees Pudding reveal to Reiju that it's all a set up to kill Germa 66 and that she thinks Sanji is a dumbass. Sanji drops the flowers and he keeps trying to light his cigarette in the rain but can't

    F***, and Sanji's breakdown when talking to Luffy as he admits that he doesn't have the courage run away and he still wants to save his family even though he doesn't view them as his real family So much pain.

    Pudding being evil was a huge twist and I was completely blindsided by it. I loved the way the relationship between Sanji and Pudding progressed. From Sanji calling her 3rd eye beautiful and stopping her from murdering him towards the end of the arc where she kept switching between being evil and falling for Sanji, to the very end where the last time we see her she's holding a strip of the memories they made together

    There's a ton of similarities in their stories from being viewed as worthless as children to being used as political puppets by their parents.

    So, Big Mom 100% ate Mother Caramel and the other children, right? There's like no other reason why one of the giants would call her a monster and run away after seeing what happened to them. I liked Big Mom's backstory, but the biggest thing her story to me was that Mother Caramel was a child trafficker for the government

    The wedding scene was so crazy. Luffy jumping out of the cake with a bunch of clones. Jinbe throwing a cup of tea over his shoulder, catching the liquid and throwing it at Katakuri

    Also when Big Mom's soul pocus didn't work on Jinbe cause he ain't afraid to die

    Germa 66 getting their raid suits on f*** them but that was hard af Also the Germa "country" was so cool. A fleet of snail ships that form a country when they all connect is so crazy and totally fits their role as a technologically advanced group.

    RIP to Pedro He went out like a real one. Sacrificing himself for something bigger than himself that he believed in.

    Brûlée and Caesar both getting bullied and used by nearly everyone the entire arc was funny af

    When Big Mom jumped onto the Sunny

    The only place where I feel this arc struggled was towards the end. The fight between Luffy and Katakuri was dope but it took so long to finish. I even went back to One Pace for this arc and the fight still felt really long.

    However, Luffy is beginning to be able to see a little bit into the future

    This exchange between Katakuri and Luffy

    Katakuri: Someday will you come back here to defeat Big Mom?

    Luffy: Of course! I’m the man who will be the King of the Pirates!

    Katakuri: You’re seeing pretty far into the future

    Then Luffy leaves the fedora that he was wearing over his straw hat on Katakuri for when he comes back

    Judge confronting Luffy and asking him why he cares so much for Sanji while he lists all the things that make Sanji a terrible soldier and Luffy says “I’m surprised. Why did he suddenly start listing all the good things about you?”

    So Jinbe is a Straw Hat now Gonna be interesting to see how he mixes into the group cause he's clearly the most "adult" out of any of them other than maybe Robin but even then she has a playful side that Jinbe hasn't really shown.

    Also it's so wild that Big Mom didn't get taken out. I know the mission was just to rescue Sanji and that she's an emperor, but I still expected Luffy to end up beating her ass as he's done with nearly everyone. Really interesting choice by Oda and it's shows the complete power difference between the Straw Hats and Big Mom Pirates.

    Finally, Sanji and Zeff making the same exact meal on opposite sides of the world

    There were so many other great moments like Brook getting the rubbings of the road poneglyph, Nami capturing Zeus, Luffy's King Cobra, Bege's family, Pudding taking the memories of her and Sanji's kiss, etc.

    Absolutely loved this arc. Reverie next

  • Jan 1, 2022
    1 reply

    I love Brook's humor so much

  • Jan 1, 2022
    Trash Star

    I love Brook's humor so much


  • Jan 1, 2022

    @trash_star great writeup

    Was thinking about WCI a week or two ago and I think it's underrated, s***s really good

    Luffy's strength already gets scaled up really quickly (which I don't have a problem with btwn his personality and the nature of his fruit) so I'm glad it didn't get throttled to the point that he could beat big mom this arc esp with only half the crew and only a small group of allies

    Just made me realize how masterful having this centred around a wedding was because while the SHs been making serious noise this was them legitimately crashing the party in terms of vying to be major players in their world

  • Jan 1, 2022

    Man Jimbe >>>

    Breaking Luffy and Nami out

    Sacrificing himself for his crew but them coming back anyways and then him doubling down on that sacrifice

    Returning the sake cup and staring down Big Mom with unbreakable conviction

    Getting Luffy in with Bege's plan

    Wave room

    Working Beserk Big Mom in combat

  • Jan 1, 2022

    Easily my favorite OP of the series. It adds so much to the first half of Whole Cake Island. It's so nostalgic, sad and desperate but also really hopeful and determined

  • Jan 1, 2022

    Got Reverie done today too

    One Pace had it at only 3 episodes so it was short and sweet.

    Man, so much happened without all that much actually happening lmao. It's a huge set up arc and a nice change of pace.

    Luffy is considered to be the 5th emperor now And his bounty went up to 1.5 billion belly

    It's always cool to see Koby. I really like that every time he shows up he's gotten significantly stronger but is still a huge fan and supporter of Luffy.

    The commanders of the Revolutionary Army are so cool wtf

    Karasu and Lindbergh were probably my favorite from a design standpoint but I loved the way Betty was just talking s*** to the people of the village.

    And the Revolutionary Army is about to declare war on the Celestial Dragons

    So, Fujitora has been with Vegapunk and he's invented something that makes the service of the Seven Warlords no longer needed

    It was so weird but also really wholesome to see Vivi, Rebecca and Shirahoshi fangirl over Luffy. I never really expected any of them to ever meet so to see them come together and share their stories about how the Straw Hats helped them was really cute

    Bartolomeo making people wear Luffy pins

    Why tf is there a big version of Luffy's straw hat in cold storage in Mary Geoise

    Big Mom is going to Wano ( ) and she and Kaido have a history. She said that her deal with Kaido was a "lifelong" deal. So if she can take lifespan from someone, can she also give it to someone? Is she the reason Kaido can't die?

    Why is Shanks talking to the Five Elders?

    So this is where the real Kuma has been. Is he even still "alive" or did whatever Vegapunk do to him completely destroy him mentally?

    Who tf is Imu, why does she get to sit on the empty throne, the throne that no one is supposed to sit on, and why do the Five Elders (apparently the most important and powerful political figures in the world) answer to Imu???? Also why is Vivi's picture the only one that Imu didn't destroy? So many question just from that one scene

    I really can't believe I'm about to start Wano. What a journey it has been

  • Jan 3, 2022
    1 reply

    I like this scene even though it's filler. It's actually character development.

  • Jan 4, 2022
    flizzy 999

    I like this scene even though it's filler. It's actually character development.

  • Nayuta 🧴
    Jan 5, 2022

    still waiting to find out the point of this character, we so far up in power scale for the crew that i dont even know what this guy will even attribute to the story

  • Jan 8, 2022

    Act 1 of Wano finished

    Oh my god This is so hard. The new animation style, the particle effects, the vfx for the different types of haki and abilities, the vibrant colors, the setting, all of it is just

    Zoro is finally getting good animation He's always had some of the weakest fight scenes imo. Like he would just stand there, do a pose and then maybe we'd get some wind vfx or something and that was his big move. But now we actually get to see him in action and it's so f***ing dope

    Tama and Luffy were very cute. I liked that she was the one to introduce him to Wano. Her telling Luffy the story of Ace and how he came to Wano and the village people stole their food and he wasn't even mad but instead stayed for weeks to help them was great. I love that Ace is still part of this story and Luffy is always getting these bits and pieces of information on how Ace helped people in the past and where he's been. Luffy even unknowingly promises the same thing as Ace to Tama, to turn Wano into a place where you can eat as much as you want.

    Tama is the one who taught Ace how to weave hats and then he later went on to make Oars a hat in the way she taught him

    Basil :sixcards: I didn't expect him to become a villain but it's cool. I'm a sucker for anyone who uses cards as part of their fighting style. It's always so fun. His devil fruit power was unexpected, I don't quite understand the strawman thing though. He said they were clones but the actual strawmen are inside him? So I guess they're linked to both him and his men?

    I'm also really interested to see if we get to learn more about his cards since they don't seem to be made of straw but they effect him, his men and his abilities.

    Kiku I loved her. She seems a like a great character that was holding back a bit because she wasn't sure about Luffy and Zoro. Hopefully now she'll be more quick to action now that she knows she can trust them. Her action scenes were really cool.

    So the SMILE fruits seemingly only produce animal related devil fruit powers

    Luffy's red hawk on Holdem

    Kin'emon and the other samurai are time travelers I was not expecting that at all. I really hope we get to see more of Momo's mom cause I want to know more about how she used the time time fruit and what happened with Momo's sister.

    Kaido can turn into a dragon His blast breath

    If Kaido and Momo can both turn into dragons does that mean Momo can also do what Kaido can? And if each devil fruit is unique does that mean Vegapunk figured out how to recreate devil fruits and Momo ate the same fruit as Kaido?

    Luffy vs Kaido I did not think they were gonna fight this early into the arc. That was amazing. That was like the end of an arc level fight and it's just the beginning The fights have always been the weakest part of the series to me but the animation is so f***ing good now, I can't even imagine what I'm going to see from Luffy and the others in the future.

    Luffy ends up in the same cell as Kid I remember Kid having a crazy ability in Sabaody. I'm really excited to learn more about him and his abilities.

  • Jan 9, 2022
    1 reply

    OP 24

  • Jan 9, 2022
    1 reply

    Some impact frames from the OP can’t wait for the best straw hat Jinbe against Who’s Who