Bro I’m loving this s***. It’s become part of my daily routine to catch a few episodes I’m in love with all the characters. At first I wanted to rush it to catch up and be able to discuss it but now I really want to savor this
Wish I did the same as you when I was catching up
Love to hear that you're enjoying the story so much though
Hope to hear some of your thoughts as you move forward
What are some of the things that you like most about the characters so far?
Bro I’m loving this s***. It’s become part of my daily routine to catch a few episodes I’m in love with all the characters. At first I wanted to rush it to catch up and be able to discuss it but now I really want to savor this
Cherrywine do NOT get spoiled brother
Wish I did the same as you when I was catching up
Love to hear that you're enjoying the story so much though
Hope to hear some of your thoughts as you move forward
What are some of the things that you like most about the characters so far?
Luffy is probably my favorite so far. I’m a sucker for characters who basically embody heart. He’s goofy as hell but dependable when you need him to be. When he’s locked in he’s a different animal lol he doesn’t back down for s***. I also love how he treats his crew. He doesn’t give a s*** about their past, only who they are today. He fully believes in them when they don’t believe in themselves. It makes for some heartfelt moments
Usopp might be my second favorite. Ngl his send off to the straw hats almost had me tearing up lol. Also he’s hilarious. I want to see him gain courage so that he doesn’t have to actually lie about doing heroic s***. I’m starting to see him step up to the challenge more as the show goes on so I’m liking that development
Sanji has the hardest design and I enjoy his confidence in battles. His fighting style is my favorite of them all. I do think the girl crazy/perv thing is a bit off putting when you put it up next to his design/confidence/intelligence. He definitely loses a bit of cool factor but maybe it’s intentional because otherwise he’d be near flawless
Nami/zoro feel like the big brother and sister of the group. Zoro be handling s*** and always popping up at the right time when s*** get active. I like lil chopper I hope we get to know more about him
Man Wednesdays was such a perfect time for the chapters to come out. I really needed those nice moments to keep me going for the rest of the workweek
This like pulling up in a lamborghini, bugatti, ferrari, porches
Just to get smoked by a honda
Besides SAINT ETHAN he carrying the team this chapter
where the chapter
oda has to explain himself with how the zoro fight was written because its so illogical
like its purely stalled for the point of setting everything else up which just makes the fight weird, maybe the anime fixes this part up
Oda keep cooking with these widespread panels
Oda is rushing it already
very chaotic feeling chapter
i guess he wants to have something go down for 1111
he's freed up zoro so maybe we get a zoro and ghandi clash
Gandhi using his sword tech to freeze the Pacifista has me wondering when we're going to get some lore regarding souls and specifically how swordsmen in OP utilise their souls for techniques.
Need someone to photoshop a chef hat onto a picture of oda
This man has had his foot on the gas since wano ended , and he’s somehow speeding up more and more every week
Oda is rushing it already
I think he just wrote the Zoro portion of this stage in the arc poorly/didn't know what to do with Zoro considering it's clear that Oda wants a big clash/fight at the labosphere once the Gorosei find a way past the barrier
very chaotic feeling chapter
i guess he wants to have something go down for 1111
he's freed up zoro so maybe we get a zoro and ghandi clash
Ghandi is bodying zoro ngl
I think he just wrote the Zoro portion of this stage in the arc poorly/didn't know what to do with Zoro considering it's clear that Oda wants a big clash/fight at the labosphere once the Gorosei find a way past the barrier
Ghandi vs zoro and that flying thing vs sanji clash incoming