Information at the end plays into so much it’s crazy.
Alabasta arc where ViVi mentioned how the sea level is rising
Mary Geoise being on top of the Red Line
Krokus building a living space inside a whale ( )
RayLeighs job being covering ships in stuff that lets them submerge underwater ( how much do the Roger pirates know about this? )
That big ass ship Noah and Joyboys promise to the Fishmen
At least one time based on how old Wano is underwater. That cover story was a slight reminder from Oda in hindsight.
I think they said that Wano got submerged by a buildup of rainwater because of the walls that got built around it (but maybe thats cap ) but the fact that the walls were built in the first place possibly suggests that the inhabitants knew something about this?
Alabasta arc where ViVi mentioned how the sea level is rising
Mary Geoise being on top of the Red Line
Krokus building a living space inside a whale ( )
RayLeighs job being covering ships in stuff that lets them submerge underwater ( how much do the Roger pirates know about this? )
That big ass ship Noah and Joyboys promise to the Fishmen
Egghead gonna stand with the best arcs of OP by the time it's done
Yea it's already my favorite post time skip arc
I think they said that Wano got submerged by a buildup of rainwater because of the walls that got built around it (but maybe thats cap ) but the fact that the walls were built in the first place possibly suggests that the inhabitants knew something about this?
Considering they are the poneglyph boyz they must know a lot man. Same with the Minks conveniently riding the tallest creature
Was Bellamy being literal when he said he needed a spot on Doffys ship to make it over the huge wave coming eventually
Urouge is the real PK
need this mf to comeback into the story already
never would've guessed that was vegapunks reveal
it got losers in the tcb comments arguing about global warming
I completely forgot about this
I completely forgot about this
One of Wano's best moments
need this mf to comeback into the story already
Always forget about this dude until some super detailed theory brings him up and goes in on how critical he might be