The amount of fake out deaths mad annoying for this series though. Been enjoying the wano arc lol
The amount of fake out deaths mad annoying for this series though. Been enjoying the wano arc lol
One of One Pieces biggest drawbacks tbh
Like either dont put them in these situations or actually kill them Oda
So the fishmen knew this the whole time is what we can take away from this
Garp definitely a dead man walking, there's no way we gonna see him link up with his son to fight the WG
I didn't understand the Stella part. Why is she talking in 3rd person
I think you're confusing Stussy with Stella. Stussy is the Miss Buckingham clone, Stella is the VP that's on the broadcast
What if the ancient kingdom’s name is either one-for-one or at least inspired by…Atlantis?
I think you're confusing Stussy with Stella. Stussy is the Miss Buckingham clone, Stella is the VP that's on the broadcast
Ooh s*** you right
done with Wano!
overall very solid arc, the pacing was kinda horrible but the animation was perfect for this arc.
sad about no more Kinemon tho he was one of the funniest. also really enjoyed how everyone leveled up this arc not just gear 5 but in general. loved the Roger lore drop as well
now onto egghead