I only caught up yesterday
So I'm still processing things
just realised that Luffy's newspaper photo had an X on the arm because Vivi probably got Morgans to put that on there to alert the SHPs that she's with Morgans & Robin didn't a\*\*\*yse it properly because she only appeared after the goodbye to Vivi & the Bon Clay aided escape at the end of Alabasta
Regardless, the MEGA 2025 agenda is in full effect. We support Loki in f'ing everybody up
Found the perfect site for you
sanji 🐐
sanji 🐐
I fell behind on SBSes. Had you guys heard about Hanafuda? He's the Shichibukai that Ace beat, according to Oda in 109. Apparently in the upcoming 111 SBS Oda also revealed he's Ulti and Page One's dad.
We are seeing an Epstein fruit at work in real time folks. The celestials are sinister and must be stopped
I fell behind on SBSes. Had you guys heard about Hanafuda? He's the Shichibukai that Ace beat, according to Oda in 109. Apparently in the upcoming 111 SBS Oda also revealed he's Ulti and Page One's dad.
Wish I was better about keeping up with SBBs, so much useful information in them
@papawheely @Junior @Speak @trash_star @jake @MyNight @Mastiff @Mictlan @Yurinator
1142 https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/dilxfsA/1/1/
Thank you so much for always letting the thread eat too
We are seeing an Epstein fruit at work in real time folks. The celestials are sinister and must be stopped
I kinda think this might be Sommers and Killingham's fruits at the same time. One puts the kids to sleep, the other can bring to life their worst fears or nightmares. Then you have Gunko making them sleepwalk in a single file line
I fell behind on SBSes. Had you guys heard about Hanafuda? He's the Shichibukai that Ace beat, according to Oda in 109. Apparently in the upcoming 111 SBS Oda also revealed he's Ulti and Page One's dad.
Also, Oda finally revealed that the name of the planet the story takes place on is called Bluestar
I fell behind on SBSes. Had you guys heard about Hanafuda? He's the Shichibukai that Ace beat, according to Oda in 109. Apparently in the upcoming 111 SBS Oda also revealed he's Ulti and Page One's dad.
Most of Ace’s story has been told posthumously atp so ppl never mentioning that he beat a Warlord made no sense to me
i was praying you’d get through skypiea so you could see these arcs
overall i really enjoyed that saga. it was just those moments in the middle in particular that i felt dragged it a bit. everything else was
overall i really enjoyed that saga. it was just those moments in the middle in particular that i felt dragged it a bit. everything else was
yeah for me it's the stuff right before and right after the flash back, where I just couldn't tell where it was going.
But jfc luffy and that bell
yeah for me it's the stuff right before and right after the flash back, where I just couldn't tell where it was going.
But jfc luffy and that bell
cricket looking at luffy’s shadow in the sky
can’t wait to share my full opinions on water 7/ennies lobby once i’m done wrapping it up
these are some crazy fruits