  • Jun 4, 2020
    Fire Lord

    He’s counting 40 million

    The most 38 million out of that 40 are going to do is change their IG picture

    oh then we could def win. out of those 40 mil, who do y'all think would have the resources for us to actually fight, as in battle it out fight?

    I'd say anywhere from 800k to 5 mil would have weaponry, which leaves the rest of us... hmmm

  • Jun 4, 2020
    1 reply

    Yall dont know what war is if yall willing to take it that far lol

  • Jun 4, 2020

    you right we need more cops but maybe not 40 mil more

  • Jun 4, 2020
    1 reply

    Yall dont know what war is if yall willing to take it that far lol

    we never said we necessarily want a full on war, just tryna figure out what we would need to do to win it

  • Jun 4, 2020

    we never said we necessarily want a full on war, just tryna figure out what we would need to do to win it

    Military coup could be possible

  • Jun 4, 2020

    Democrats talking bout going to war with the army while actively wanting “assault” weapons banned is beyond hilarious

    I don’t think those groups overlap

  • Jun 4, 2020
    1 reply

    Democrats talking bout going to war with the army while actively wanting “assault” weapons banned is beyond hilarious

    how is this a democrat issue? the country obviously needs reform

  • doctor

    Yeah omitting one central fact those cops are armed to the teeth

    There's more privately owned guns in the US than there are people in the country my dude Every semi-auto AR-15 is literally a bent coathanger hook away from full-auto capability. A well-armed guerrilla force of 10,000~ could probably mop the floor with the entire police force and military if they really wanted.

    If it's the one single reconcilable quality about the Republicans, it's that they're at least pro-gun. Democrats give a lot of lip service to holding police and the government accountable, but in the same breath want those same police and government to disarm the populace God I hate this two-party bullshit.

  • Jun 4, 2020

    The army is just composed of people tho. At some point public opinion can beat anything

    Some soldiers are also extremely patriotic so they might be down to join the people as well. But you never know honestly.

  • Jun 4, 2020
    Scratchin Mamba

    Neo Liberia

  • Jun 4, 2020
    1 reply

    how is this a democrat issue? the country obviously needs reform

    I said this because due to mostly Democrat legislation in the country we have no real access to military grade weaponry, especially where I live at.

    Not trynna blame anyone was just making a point that for all the gun laws passed in the nation, if come to it, it may have all been a slap in the face.

    Either way man the last thing I think we need in this nation is a civil war lmao. I think we can try diplomacy first (or continue to do so before we escalate.)

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    I said this because due to mostly Democrat legislation in the country we have no real access to military grade weaponry, especially where I live at.

    Not trynna blame anyone was just making a point that for all the gun laws passed in the nation, if come to it, it may have all been a slap in the face.

    Either way man the last thing I think we need in this nation is a civil war lmao. I think we can try diplomacy first (or continue to do so before we escalate.)

    lol we really don't need a civil war tbh. how do you think things would play out though? i think it would start at one of the protests. if a cop kills a peaceful protestor, who will most likely be black tbh, ALL hell will break lose. Forget a "civil" war, the US military would have to come in to the protests and we wouldn't even have a plan in place. That's how I think it would start, but IDK how the rest of the war would go.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    lol we really don't need a civil war tbh. how do you think things would play out though? i think it would start at one of the protests. if a cop kills a peaceful protestor, who will most likely be black tbh, ALL hell will break lose. Forget a "civil" war, the US military would have to come in to the protests and we wouldn't even have a plan in place. That's how I think it would start, but IDK how the rest of the war would go.

    I thought a peaceful protester already died at the hands of NYPD. Let me double check to make sure I’m not spewing bullshit.

    And my brother you just described what could possibly be what we call next week lmfao. F***ing scary man.

    Honestly I have no f***ing clue what would happen but I have a feeling it would spark similar revolutions across the world. I don’t know what I would do to be honest. Probably join a militia lmao.

    EDIT: I was wrong no protesters died.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    I thought a peaceful protester already died at the hands of NYPD. Let me double check to make sure I’m not spewing bullshit.

    And my brother you just described what could possibly be what we call next week lmfao. F***ing scary man.

    Honestly I have no f***ing clue what would happen but I have a feeling it would spark similar revolutions across the world. I don’t know what I would do to be honest. Probably join a militia lmao.

    EDIT: I was wrong no protesters died.

    is it wrong for me to kind of want to see it? obviously not a peaceful protestor, who again would most likely be black killed by police, but a war on police. I just wanna know what would happen. I also don't wanna see it though cuz that sounds so scary. All of America would be a war zone so you could go to the movie and police could walk in and just start shooting people or start bombing random neighborhoods in the middle of the night.

    I just wanna know what would make it come to an end, cuz if it starts, it would take many years, probably decades tbh to get it all under control. And we forget things will really get crazy if Trump wins in November. The riots will be heavy in DC and Trump's supporters have been bringing guns to police brutality protests. That's a whole different thread, but I think Trump supporters would support the police, making the country even more divided

  • Jun 5, 2020

  • Jun 5, 2020
    2 replies

    Only 700k cops in the US with 40mill outta work

    yo bro

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    yo bro

    Bro hmu

  • Jun 5, 2020

    yo bro

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    Y'all really think we could overthrow the whole police force with virtually no weapons while they have a whole army to fall back on? The numbers look like it, but compared to them we have nothing, unless it would involve a huge number of us dying in the process and IDK if anyone is really willing to go THAT far. A war in itself is pretty big tho lol

  • Jun 5, 2020
    1 reply

    theres more guns owned in the usa then there are people

  • Jun 5, 2020

    the police knocked down an old white man at a protest in Buffalo, NY. Blood immediately formed a pool around his head as he blead out of his ear, but luckily he's okay.

  • Jun 5, 2020
    You Disappoint Me

    wait, that's 20% more guns than people. NVM we good lol. But I did read somewhere that 3% of Americans own like 50% of out toal gun count. IDK I gotta look for it again. That was a couple years ago

  • Jun 5, 2020

    Bro hmu

    u still use the discord?