Don’t y’all find ratchet hoes that look like men like meg and Nicki hot?
Y’all f***in’ anime ass niggas need to get got already
Any man that wouldnt smash meg or nicki is gay as hell. Ariana is pretty, but built like a blunt
meg literally looks like a man
when you say you hate white women to hide the fact that your atrocious takes are masked in racism
come off the alts bro
That’s @DAVIDE
when you say you hate white women to hide the fact that your atrocious takes are masked in racism
oh s***
he's built like peter griffin lol i have no reason to believe that he actually hates white women. he got high school white girl taste too lol
Ur homies built like this?
nah but theres a lotta trans ppl that look like that
She was never bad looking to me. She's alright looking enough to where a good personality could make her attractive to me.
She got that sexy nasty freak look. I love
When her tampon fell out live on stage
id swipe that s*** off stage so fast and suck it clean while watching her perform
Yooooo this thread is crazy I'm reading these posts and they got me chortling through the black hole at alarming speeds. You niggas need Jesus