  • CKL TML 🌺
    Nov 22, 2023

  • Nov 22, 2023

    What a f***ing rollercoaster sheesh

  • Nov 22, 2023

    sam altman more like scam altcoin

  • Silas

    Credentials of the new board:

    Bret Taylor: a former co-CEO of Inc. and director at Twitter before it was acquired by Elon Musk

    Larry Summers: former U.S. Treasury Secretary under President Barack Obama

    Adam D’Angelo: the co-founder and CEO of Quora Inc and existing board member

    Oh it's over

  • Nov 22, 2023

    Unsure how I feel about this overall. Clearly the nonprofit failed to do what it was set up to do. I prefer openai existing and am glad they weren't eaten by microsoft (still feel like that never would have panned out) but clearly there are some underlying issues with the company's structure and leadership here

  • Nov 22, 2023

    Imagine being on the board of a billion dollar company and saying "mission accomplished if the company collapses".

    Perfect example of the importance of structuring a company properly and choosing the right people.

    OpenAI should start moving more like a startup rather than a nonprofit after this s***show.

    I think in principle the board was right (I mean they set it up that way for a reason) but this seems like definitely the wrong time to take action

  • Nov 22, 2023

    i know it smells crazy in there

  • Nov 23, 2023

    Could be a game changer

  • The messy way that all this has unfolded in the public eye does not inspire confidence

  • Nov 23, 2023

    Timeline on what could have happened which led to Sam getting fired

    Nov 2 -> Sam was in the room, when the team demonstrated the next big improvement. 3 times before in OpenAIs history, most recently with GPT-4, they’d pushed back the veil of ignorance and pushed forward the frontier of discovery. As he watched the latest advance, he was already planning for the next moves: the funds that would have to be raised, the resources that would have to planned for

    Nov 4 - Ilya was unsettled. They’d reached a threshold of autonomy that was concerning, while the alignment team was still just adding capability instead of emotion, actual love for humanity. They needed more time to figure out the research pathway instead of hurrying to deploy product.

    Nov 6 - OpenAI dev day goes well. Lots of kudos. They release the announced products over the next several days

    After dev day, Greg and Sam are in full on fund raising mode. They’re targeting 90 billion valuation, a 3x lift from 30 billion. OpenAI recruiters are already calling Google employees with 10-20 mil 4 year packages telling them if they join now they’ll make it in before the valuation increase.

    Nov 9 > Greg meets Emanuel Macron for a photo op, afterwards take investor meetings in Paris. OpenAI is now at the sovereign wealth fund, European family money sized investment

    Nov 13 > in an interview with the Financial Times in London, Sam confirms for the first time that work has begun on GPT5 and that he’s fundraising.

    Nov 14 > OpenAI pauses ChatGPT subscriptions, as they’re totally out of capacity for inference. Usage has spiked post dev day.

    Nov 16 > APEC CEO summit, Sam confirms the Nov 4 next step up discovery

    By this point Ilya is pissed and scared. The fundraising tour has caught him by surprise. The usage numbers have spiked and now they don’t have enough servers for the research team, meaning they have to fundraise again to support research. Events are starting to move beyond him.

    Nov 17 10 am > board meeting starts. Ilya produces 2 23 year old staff engineers (rumor) to describe progress and dangers to the board. Turns into a battle when he says they shouldn’t be fundraising and shouldn’t be expanding and that Sam was out on tour without board agreement.

    Sam points out that as the CEO he has to stay ahead of the team and manage news flow in advance of the team’s needs. “We’re going to need more money for more data centers”

    Ilya has a fit. Things come to a head. A vote is taken. Sam is out. The board demotes Greg, who is not at the meeting as Sam is authorized to cast his vote.

    Source: (OP gives proof of certain events later in the thread):

  • Nov 23, 2023

    Page 13 spot for sale

  • Nov 23, 2023
    1 reply

    Hollywood warned us. When will we heed those warnings?

  • Nov 23, 2023

    what a whole bunch of nothing

  • rvi 🔋
    Nov 23, 2023

    Hollywood warned us. When will we heed those warnings?

    Buckle up.

  • Nov 24, 2023
    1 reply
  • Nov 30, 2023
    1 reply

    OpenAI formalizes Sam Altman's return, gives Microsoft non-voting board seat


    Under the deal, former Salesforce co-CEO Bret Taylor will be OpenAI chairman, joined initially on the board by former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and Quora CEO Adam D'Angelo.

    • Co-founder Ilya Sutskever will exit the board and his future with the company remains uncertain. Sutskever voted to oust Altman before changing direction and helping push for his return.

    • "I love and respect Ilya, I think he's a guiding light of the field and a gem of a human being," Altman said in a memo, seen by Axios. "I harbor zero ill will towards him. While Ilya will no longer serve on the board, we hope to continue our working relationship and are discussing how he can continue his work at OpenAI."

  • Nov 30, 2023

    OpenAI formalizes Sam Altman's return, gives Microsoft non-voting board seat


    Under the deal, former Salesforce co-CEO Bret Taylor will be OpenAI chairman, joined initially on the board by former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers and Quora CEO Adam D'Angelo.

    • Co-founder Ilya Sutskever will exit the board and his future with the company remains uncertain. Sutskever voted to oust Altman before changing direction and helping push for his return.

    • "I love and respect Ilya, I think he's a guiding light of the field and a gem of a human being," Altman said in a memo, seen by Axios. "I harbor zero ill will towards him. While Ilya will no longer serve on the board, we hope to continue our working relationship and are discussing how he can continue his work at OpenAI."

    Greg Brockman is back as President as well

  • Nov 30, 2023

    I think she bullshittin sam been in the valley for years

  • emucakes 🇺🇸
    Feb 1

    I did not expect OpenAI HQ to look like that but that's so interesting. The team surrounds itself with the things they draw inspiration from: nature, inviting spaces and lots and lots of books everywhere. I also love how the art and structure of their website resembles the their office space so much. I feel like designing websites as a metaphors of who is running them and where they are located has become a lost art short of some like IKEA, Apple Store, The Met, etc.