Mario: The Movie: The Game
Voiced by Chris Pratt
you might be onto something
space is so lame. so many more interesting things on our beloved earth
Like ✨droughts✨ and ✨heatwaves✨
you might be onto something
Or we can do
Garfield: The Movie: The Game
Voiced by Chris Pratt
i want a live service subscription based rockband / guitar hero with thousands of songs to pick from all for a low monthly fee
Also Capcom been going hard for a few years too
IO Interactive (Hitman) has been killing it too.
i want a live service subscription based rockband / guitar hero with thousands of songs to pick from all for a low monthly fee
doesnt epic now own harmonix.
epic games do this with your fortnite money
Sci Fi action adventure
i want a live service subscription based rockband / guitar hero with thousands of songs to pick from all for a low monthly fee
Man I wish I could have plastic instruments placed all over my apartment