dead island looked hella fun and the map looks good
Capcom Vancouver shutdown
They had dead rising poster Easter eggs in resident evil 2 remake and that gave me enough hopeium copeium to think maybe it’s still alive somewhere and another dev might pick it up doesn’t need to be a numbered instalment reboot it like saints row but not bad
After almost a decade of GTA V, who in their right minds will make an open world game based in LA in 2022
2/10 show
wtf kind of expectations do people have that you think this was a 2/10?
dead island looked hella fun and the map looks good
Yeah, might cop (on sale tho lmao)
You guys just missed the post credits scene
they announced the orange box 2 with half life 3, portal 3, l4d 3, team fortress 3, and source 2 update for csgo