real music
my b**** like to model, she look too bad, but nah she ain't too bad for me
720S McLaren
that was my fav song on the ep
i cropped it from yt and uploaded it
i got you
edit: also looped my fav part of the song, added starboy tag when it transitions to slowed, so i can throw it on whenever im lifting
i need this song
that ken "kid crying while trying to explain the situation" flow so f***ing hard
ilck will change my life
more hype for this one than no stylist tbh
wayy more
i cropped it from yt and uploaded it
i got you
edit: also looped my fav part of the song, added starboy tag when it transitions to slowed, so i can throw it on whenever im lifting
ayy good looks
he heard us today @bruntz
tried to tell ya
i told my wife this manifesting s*** really work
i told my wife this manifesting s*** really work
manifest tryna get down and xtc
This will be the best on the album after Lose You
going no snippets into ilck this time around i purposedly avoided them
besides kod
i might not be that hyped rn because of it but i know imma be even more blown away by it on release day