LMAO how does this even happen. Does no one look these over before putting them on a TV station???
Probably not. Comment selection might be auto generated and some racist troll got their comment selected.
Probably not. Comment selection might be auto generated and some racist troll got their comment selected.
Also it’s Oregon
Very left state btw
Oh sorry I didn’t realize that every person in a state of 4 million people held the same views
Very left state btw
Clearly never been to Oregon or seen outside of Portland
LMAO how does this even happen. Does no one look these over before putting them on a TV station???
You'd be shocked how inept tv producers can be.
Source: a TV producer who's burnt out and has very often not double checked what I've put on TV
But I'm on bullshit local low level s***. It might be different if I had resources and a good paycheck