Converting to Islam going to stop getting their nose in other countries is the craziest thing I've heard. Didn't stop Omar Ibn Khattib the companion and father in law to prophet Muhammad and the second Rashidun Khalifa. He was assassinated by a slave because he had invaded his country and taken his daughter as concubine!
Always wondered if that's one of the main reasons Sunni Islam hasn't found as much resonance in the Persian imaginary as Shiism did.
It's all because of beards having a comeback. They all longing for that Ayatollah beard but lack the testosterone so they start idolising him. It's zoomer cuck mentality.
Im f***ing crying
Always wondered if that's one of the main reasons Sunni Islam hasn't found as much resonance in the Persian imaginary as Shiism did.
Shi'ism basically is a manga version of Islam. It turns the cousin and grand kids of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) into book of kings characters and presents them with persian imagery n' poetry and mythical quests to make Islam palatable for the Iranian population.
Illuminati tryin' to read my mind with a eagle eye
And the haze got me thinkin', why
We killed Osama and plenty innocent people died
We should see the signs, but we Stevie blind
Just skimmed through the letter. How is it surprising/mindblowing to anyone?
The mind blowing thing is that we are in 2023 and thanks to the western secret agencies and supply of guns to extremist religious groups we have fanatics controlling land in large portions of middle east. It hasn't been this bad for centuries, the 1700s 1800s 1900s kings were more chill less batshit religious even the mongols werent as bad ideologically
That tiktok superclip is kinda annoying to me lol.
"Never look at life the same", "existential crisis" "craziest thing I ever read"
Only dumbasses thought the war on “terrorism” was actually valid and not the U.S. on some weirdo s***
This is probably how they caught him. Letter must’ve had a return address on it
It's all because of beards having a comeback. They all longing for that Ayatollah beard but lack the testosterone so they start idolising him. It's zoomer cuck mentality.
What’s the tldr of why this is going viral
lifetime contrarian award winners continue to perform contrarian stuff
It was more of a Streisand effect. Some random TikToker made a video then a few more did. Someone posted a tweet in outrage and it blew tf up happens a lot
a moral panic actually drives more ppl to it
if sayyid qutb never visited america in the 1950s, 9/11 may have never happened
You are a nation that exploits women like consumer products or advertising tools calling upon customers to purchase them. You use women to serve passengers, visitors, and strangers to increase your profit margins. You then rant that you support the liberation of women.
You are a nation that practices the trade of s***in all its forms, directly and indirectly. Giant corporations and establishments are established on this, under the name of art, entertainment, tourism and freedom, and other deceptive names you attribute to it.
He sound like a hater Ngl