Because it’s better than Ford v Ferrari & Knives Out, they need a popular film in the race
It's not better than either (subjectively) but FvF and Knives Out both made over 200m+
It's not better than either (subjectively) but FvF and Knives Out both made over 200m+
Knives Out is by far the year’s most overrated film, f*** that
Ford v Ferrari is just decent
Knives Out is by far the year’s most overrated film, f*** that
Ford v Ferrari is just decent
Did the Safdie’s run a train on one of the academy members or what, absolutely disgusting that Uncut Gems gets 0 nods.
brad pitt movie ad astra spce movie out now
At least Brad Pitt is a lock for Best Supporting Actor
this is probably more realistic lmao
It just has everything going for it right now. It's the only one of the major contenders that hasn't stumbled (Marriage Story and The Irishman fell completely out of the race) and Parasite has sorta stumbled through these awards shows, not winning things that it should've/needed. 1917 is coming on at the end but Hollywood just keeps getting stronger and stronger.
Don’t know why the f*** y’all shocked, films like Uncut never had a shot
A24 usually gets love from the Academy, wasn’t expecting much considering it was never nominated by the Globes but Sandler should’ve been up there.
Also Best Editing, Best Sound Mixing & Score.
Did the Safdie’s run a train on one of the academy members or what, absolutely disgusting that Uncut Gems gets 0 nods.
Sandler didnt get a nom!!
Knives Out is by far the year’s most overrated film, f*** that
Ford v Ferrari is just decent
this is a conversation about joker, how, in a conversation about joker could u POSSIBLY say that knives out is the most overrated film of the year, in a conversation about JOKER!!!