If Thelma doesn’t win for The Irishman, we are in for a rough night.
Was there even editing for The Irishman?
confirmed eggers > safdies > aster as we all knew already
agree but they are all good. Eggers might be in his own domain tho
Was there even editing for The Irishman?
the academy is riddled with boomers, that's why neither lighthouse or uncut gems got nominated it's too loud for their weak ears.
Most scenes are between 2-6 minutes long and edited on set
It’s a movie built around seamlessly stitching together long takes, which is fine except you can easily tell where the transitions are when watching it.
So I don’t know why you are complaining about it being snubbed.
It’s a movie built around seamlessly stitching together long takes, which is fine except you can easily tell where the transitions are when watching it.
So I don’t know why you are complaining about it being snubbed.
on the big picture pod they were talking about how no movie was hurt more by the shortened award season than Uncut Gems
Safdie's and Sandler having a lot of great moments at other award shows which is exactly what you need to get in as an underdog, but they all happened in the back half of voting or when the window already closed
Uncut Gems having 0 nominations is a joke
another win for all boomers around the globe
Tf are jojo rabbit and ford vs Ferrari doing up there smh also uncut gems snubbing is f***ed but expected also Greta deserves a best director nom
Niggas need to shut up about little women lol....... it's not even a top 2 adaptation of little women lbr
imo endgame deserved best picture
Tried to tell y'all niggas joker was taking it