if todd phillips wins best director >>>>
Those stupid slo mo dancing scenes were the corniest s*** I've ever seen. What a bold aesthetic there Todd, really proving yourself
We got Scorsese fan fiction versus actual Scorsese.
It’s like American Hustle vs Wolf of Wall Street all over again.
funny thing is... I ain't even gonna say it
park so dam was robbed and i cant stop crying
Every single cast member in parasite was robbed
Those stupid slo mo dancing scenes were the corniest s*** I've ever seen. What a bold aesthetic there Todd, really proving yourself
Dancing to Gary Glitter, a convicted pedophile smh
Those stupid slo mo dancing scenes were the corniest s*** I've ever seen. What a bold aesthetic there Todd, really proving yourself
lol That true
Every single cast member in parasite was robbed
okay true especially the stinky dad
do you think the main character in the irishman feels sad because he wasnt nominationed and his two castmates were . i hope he does he was so boring
Todd Phillips interrupts Martin Scorsese and mansplains movies to him and Greta's face is of pure embarrassment.
How did he get nominated over either Noah or Greta??
no uncut gems score nom
no lighthouse performance noms
joker shoehorned into like every category
what happens if the people picking the movies for nomination havent seen the movie yet ?
i dont even remmber leo being in once upon a time in hollywood how did he get best actor sjkfhdsfjkd
the lighthouse not being nominated for anything because robert pattinson broke fka twigs heart yesss we love karma !