Just saw Knives Out, that film is definitely best picture standards based on the competition - especially w all the American class+immigration social commentary mixed into the genre exercise, it's very timely.
1917 isn't missing anything and it's a lock for the BAFTA.
At this point don't see how it doesn't win BP and director.
I'm puking!!!!
If Margot Robbie could grab a nom for her performance in Bombshell
Then J.Lo sure as s*** should have made it my g, c’mon
Constance was better if were keeping it real
If the Academy want any of their remaining merit they’d give Best Picture to The Irishman and award it to a movie that’s most deserving.
But nope, instead it’ll go to something else & in several years we’ll get a tribute for how good the movie and Scorsese were for cinema.
Rinse & repeat. Never let someone smell the roses while they’re alive.
So lead acting frontrunners are transformational/biopic performances, while Best Picture frontrunner is a war movie. So exciting and unpredictable. And definitely not basic.
I honestly think parasite is gonna win best picture. It has the most word of mouth hype of any indie film this year plus based off the last two years they always go with the super diverse choice. Imagine how good they would look for having a foreign film win best pic
I honestly think parasite is gonna win best picture. It has the most word of mouth hype of any indie film this year plus based off the last two years they always go with the super diverse choice. Imagine how good they would look for having a foreign film win best pic
That would be dope
But the simple choice seems to be joker is gonna sweep
That would be dope
But the simple choice seems to be joker is gonna sweep
Joker too white bro. The optics would be terrible and they know it. Joaquin prolly got best actor on lock tho which is deserved
That would be dope
But the simple choice seems to be joker is gonna sweep
Joker's not getting s*** outside of actor and score
I was not blown away by parasite but it would be amazing if it won BP just to see the happy reactions. 1917 was fine, but it will be boring if it wins.
Livestream anyone??
If the Academy want any of their remaining merit they’d give Best Picture to The Irishman and award it to a movie that’s most deserving.
But nope, instead it’ll go to something else & in several years we’ll get a tribute for how good the movie and Scorsese were for cinema.
Rinse & repeat. Never let someone smell the roses while they’re alive.
It’s a good movie that needed a lot of cuts. You’re overrating it. In its current state it couldn’t have been anywhere but a streaming service.