Like something: "dickrider" "follower"
Criticize/dislike something: "hater" "negative"
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Just be yourself and like what you like
While that is 100% true. Hopefully most people can find circles for their interests. Like I have my sports / fantasy sports friends. Video game friends. Really expand circles so you can have genuine conversations with people that are open minded about topics that interest you.
lmaooo why have i never seen this
Explain why it’s bad then.
its pro-american propaganda about how if you fight in vietnam and do what youre told youll wind up a billionaire and if you dont youll wind up dead from AIDS. its an insidiously evil film, basically what white people really think the history of the mid 20th century was.
its pro-american propaganda about how if you fight in vietnam and do what youre told youll wind up a billionaire and if you dont youll wind up dead from AIDS. its an insidiously evil film, basically what white people really think the history of the mid 20th century was.
You forgetting the part where they show LT. Dan down on his luck after fighting in Vietnam? Homeless, drinking, and sleeping with hookers. That’s pro American propaganda? Or when they showed the watergate scandal. Or when the government silenced forest when he started speaking about Vietnam? Or when they showed the black panthers in a positive light. That’s your pro American propaganda piece? If anything it’s shows how the US government treats its soldiers like they’re disposable.
Did you watch the movie?
csnt relate because i could talk about my love for kh2 combat system and its melancholic story in front of a room full of bad b****es
You forgetting the part where they show LT. Dan down on his luck after fighting in Vietnam? Homeless, drinking, and sleeping with hookers. That’s pro American propaganda? Or when they showed the watergate scandal. Or when the government silenced forest when he started speaking about Vietnam? Or when they showed the black panthers in a positive light. That’s your pro American propaganda piece? If anything it’s shows how the US government treats its soldiers like they’re disposable.
Did you watch the movie?
guess you missed where Lt. Dan becomes a billionaire and gets his legs back in a redemptive arc for murdering asians ✌
literally everyone but jenny gets rewarded for the life they lead. ain't arguing about this bro, please dont rehash an argument people had 30 years ago
maybe learn how to watch movies while youre at it
"what do you mean its right-wing propaganda? it includes a stab-in-the-back myth about vietnam veterans."
media literacy in the s***ter
guess you missed where Lt. Dan becomes a billionaire and gets his legs back in a redemptive arc for murdering asians ✌
literally everyone but jenny gets rewarded for the life they lead. ain't arguing about this bro, please dont rehash an argument people had 30 years ago
maybe learn how to watch movies while youre at it
It’s pro Vietnam propaganda because dude lost his legs in the war, co founded a shrimp company, and invested in Apple (which made him a billionaire), and with the money get metal legs.
Everyone got rewarded? There’s like 4 main characters and two of them died only ones who got rewarded was forest and Dan. Jenny and bubba died.
Oh you make a point and now you’re saying not arguing. You must be right. Silky me, I just made the connection.
is there irony in me saying the internet has just became a place where we all want to police each other behind a screen
"what do you mean its right-wing propaganda? it includes a stab-in-the-back myth about vietnam veterans."
media literacy in the s***ter
At the time forest gump came out it was a more left leaning movie
Republican in the early 2000s wouldn’t go for those wheelchair dan scenes
If this is what you mean by stab in the back myth:
Then this has nothing to do with forest gump. You might be crazy dog.
its pro-american propaganda about how if you fight in vietnam and do what youre told youll wind up a billionaire and if you dont youll wind up dead from AIDS. its an insidiously evil film, basically what white people really think the history of the mid 20th century was.
Also forest gump is the reason I’d never join the military. That movie made it look like the US government treats its soldiers bad.
KH 1, 2, and BBS. KH3 is f***in boring dogshit with zero challenge. Was just a completely senseless button masher with no real strategy. The final boss, the battle against Xehanort the main villain of the saga named after him, was an anti-climatic wet fart with hardly any memorable set pieces/moments that the series has been known for with its games.
The story has always been pretty dumb anime-esque bullshit. But KH3 took it to a level that was just intolerable and a slog to even pretend to follow. Made even worse by that dumbass movie they included about whatever tf Master of Masters whoever that nigga is. Don't even get me started on that time travel bullshit that Dream Drop Distance introduced into the narrative.
Speaking of which, DDD was also forgettable as hell. It was more interesting to run around in the game worlds with that flow motion mechanic than to actually play the game and progress with the story. Keep that s*** too.
Have you played KH3 on crit?
On release I was really underwhelmed with it, I know exactly what you mean. The disney parts are mostly halfbaked retreads.
Trust me I won't defend the clusterfuck of a needlessly convuluted story KH has.
Story wise, KH3 is a mess, It rushes the plot after the disney bullshit at the beginning.
But I replayed it recently on critical mode which it should have launched with and had a much better experience
Aint nothing ironic about Kingdom Hearts being ass
It is ass and i been saying that since a child