Your fav rapper is a huge fan of that nursery rhymer
I’m a fan of some of Thugs material too. I’m also a fan of SOAD. Doesn’t mean I’d want them on a song together
i’ve never noticed the apple in this meme
I like the story of big boi having to bring prince in to tell dre to stop b****ing out and actually act like he cared during the lil festival reunion tour they did in 2014
Don’t want a nursery rhymer anywhere near the great lyricist oat
Disrespecting thugger
André ain’t into making music like that anymore
Nigga paralyzed by the pressure. He mentioned that in part to why he hasn’t put out a solo album in his broken record interview with Rick Rubin.
Deserve a permaban for this
Stop acting like 3 stacks doesn’t deliver on his features.
Can someone explain why they can’t reunite
Andre believes you need to be hip in order to be doing hip hop
And since he’s gotten old he ain’t “hip” no more
I like the story of big boi having to bring prince in to tell dre to stop b****ing out and actually act like he cared during the lil festival reunion tour they did in 2014
Lil festival reunion? They did like 45 shows if I remember correctly
OutKast (both of them) should at least feature on a song that’d be cool
Not gonna happen for awhile
An Outkast x Young Thug song is what the world needs
Not gonna happen cause Young Thug was b****in