Then again if thats what the govt says take it w a grain of salt
No one wants to admit they have s***ty water
No i dont i posted what the article says
Ok good cause it’s cap I believe
Shut down all airports like idgaf if you wanna see ya family members, I got family I can’t see either, get on ZOOM. F*** all dat
We getting our asses WHOOPED collectively by viruses. Wish I could blast one off these parasites
Damn maybe I’m the nigga that need to read
Lol, this nigga legit a Mr. Ibu stan.
Lol, this nigga legit a Mr. Ibu stan.
What you know about mr. ibu
they got sick from drinking from the same river in a s***ty village! Isolated incident.
Damn maybe I’m the nigga that need to read
At least 345 people in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh have been hospitalized with an unidentified illness that includes a range of symptoms like seizures, nausea, loss of consciousness and has led to at least one fatality — potentially creating another public health challenge as the region continues to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic.
Possibly cause of some pesticides