So ktt life sxn, how did you overcome your fear of spooky things? I've always been the type to easily get spooked so I avoided it whenever but sometimes there are certain games that contain a lot of it that I would like to try out cause they look cool but I'm afraid I might get too spooked out and get nightmares.
So for those of you that are into/can withstand spooky things. What is your ritual? Do you tell yourself something before diving in? Do you fight the nightmares in your sleep?
Raw thoughts only.
i bet this is you
not really scared of games or movies. i think i’m just able to separate the reality from the experience
go in the bathroom, turn off the light and stare in the mirror
I thought you was using a slur in the title
Calling CIA operatives “spooks” is a slur now?
go in the bathroom, turn off the light and stare in the mirror
Next you'll tell me to summon bloody mary, no thanks
the WHAT?
It used to be used for black men
oh I didn't know that let me update
I overcame spooky demons and ghost by imagining them to be voluptuous and f***able.
Now whenever those feelings that something is watching me at night are felt, I get hard thinking about a thick djinn in the corner or whatever it is.