Is this worth picking up or am I too late
nah its fine everything going to transfer over
think ow2 as expansion pack sorta like WOW's ones
imma be really lazy today and nab the patch notes from the discord
mei mains:
comps not working either, guess that’s not the only thing blizzard has broken today
imma be really lazy today and nab the patch notes from the discord
honestly some weird buffs buffing mei and reaper sounds god awful and nerfing zarya is a weird call imo, shes literally just a bubble bot and is pretty much only meta whenever she has a tank duo thats in a strong spot..
seems pretty minor though so whatever
honestly some weird buffs buffing mei and reaper sounds god awful and nerfing zarya is a weird call imo, shes literally just a bubble bot and is pretty much only meta whenever she has a tank duo thats in a strong spot..
seems pretty minor though so whatever
mei is gonna be broken as s*** now and i guess they decided that reaper nerf was too much.
sig’s was needed tho
like its really almost full health now from an ice block, like why
A while ago there was a change to make Mei's Cryo-Freeze collision consistent with her Ice Wall, meaning she could no longer be targeted by allies while inside the block of ice. We're increasing her Cryo-Freeze healing rate since she isn't able to be easily healed up by her allies during that time.
can’t have s*** in detroit
mei is gonna be broken as s*** now and i guess they decided that reaper nerf was too much.
sig’s was needed tho
oh yeah i forgot to mention that sig buff is great, that original nerf is one of the worst balancing decisions ive seen in the history of this game tbh. sigma feels like dogshit
yeah meis buff seems pretty big but we'll see what happens
hate being a support main sometimes i stg
had 4 games in a row where team went in exactly different routes and had them b****ing and s***, somehow won 1 of them
how we feeling
experimental card tournament looks crazy as f***
I still enjoy this game as much as it did when it 1st came out
Hard to get bored in this game with all the different heroes
experimental card tournament looks crazy as f***
too large but some things, ana can nano herself, torb has 2 turrets, dragonblade gets a second of extra duration for an elimination, shadow step reaper doesn’t say anything, s***s ridiculous
people still playing this?
lots of people