Game would be boring as s*** and dead
If your games as a service and not delivering new content on the regular in this age then your game is donezo.
OW already had a crazy drought compared to even paladins
If they commit themselves to releasing new content with each season, cut down on the pay to win bullshit and make a few quality of life changes OW2 could be even more successful than OW1.
haven’t played in a very long time and some of these new characters looking crazy gonna have to branch out and try some
Never played overwatch. This one is really fun for me, especially going to the skies with pharah
love the game. hate the battle pass.
fr bruh how they only give us 2 skins on the free one, and why does it take so long to lvl up??? still haven’t even gotten that first Winston skin and I played for f***ing 4 hours yesterday
fr bruh how they only give us 2 skins on the free one, and why does it take so long to lvl up??? still haven’t even gotten that first Winston skin and I played for f***ing 4 hours yesterday
the free is terrible. i bought the premium but it aint no better tbh
Finally got my skins. It took 4 account merges but it finally worked.
Pulled crazy moves with Symmetra using the teleporter to get behind enemies and then escape back when they notice lmao
Pulled crazy moves with Symmetra using the teleporter to get behind enemies and then escape back when they notice lmao
that’s all i do with Tracer lmao she’s like a bee
shes a f***ing beast
I remember trying her at the tail end of ow after not playing for years
But jfc she's my straight up main now I LOVE her
I remember trying her at the tail end of ow after not playing for years
But jfc she's my straight up main now I LOVE her
shes like a hybrid dps/healer and ive been f***ing loving maining her
shes like a hybrid dps/healer and ive been f***ing loving maining her
Nah yeah, the healing is so OD broken, you can save EVERYBODY. And the damage is perfect for playing your role and still getting it in
Got the Bowie skin out a lot box back in the day too
what game mode are yall playing
do yall know why it hero select always starts on ana??
Starts with an a
And nobody cares for her