you play as soldier you deserved to lose
i had less than 20 hours on ow1 and will still gap you any hero
i had less than 20 hours on ow1 and will still gap you any hero
You’ll gape my a****** ?
you play as soldier you deserved to lose
sounds like you get bullied by Soldier 76 a lot huh?
sounds like you get bullied by Soldier 76 a lot huh?
nah I rarely see them I was just joking because its a character to play as but I am playing around with everyone i had some good wins today. I like Orisa
nah I rarely see them I was just joking because its a character to play as but I am playing around with everyone i had some good wins today. I like Orisa
naaa he’s one of the strongest so of course mfs use him, you hating rn
I figured out that 50% of the time when I lose with randoms it’s because our tank f***ing sucks, so I started using Doomfist and he’s actually niiiice as f***
naaa he’s one of the strongest so of course mfs use him, you hating rn
I figured out that 50% of the time when I lose with randoms it’s because our tank f***ing sucks, so I started using Doomfist and he’s actually niiiice as f***
I really rarely see him
Doomfist lowkey the best kept secret 🤫
I try to play around with a different hero each day if it’s low stakes
Lucio, Ana, Kiriko, some zen. They’re probably going to be the best supports based on how the meta looking.
Moira is nice too
playing competitive for the first time and i can’t even finish a match cause mfs keep leaving this probably isn’t worth the headache
if you use Ana you are actively bringing your team down by not choosing to use a hero that’s actually good
Moira is nice too
how he name Ana and Zenyatta but not Moira that’s how you know he’s cheeks
Doomfist lowkey the best kept secret 🤫
he's the worst tank by far and a shell of his former self when he was dps.
if you use Ana you are actively bringing your team down by not choosing to use a hero that’s actually good
ana has been and still is the best main healer in the game. mercy is only good for pharah comps and both mercy/moira have no utility outside of their healing although moira has pretty good damage.
if you use Ana you are actively bringing your team down by not choosing to use a hero that’s actually good
Ana’s good lmao, she’s actually one of the best heroes at high ranks. Sleep, anti and nano are always going to be huge abilities.
Moira is nice too
Ehh i just think everyone else is better, Moira’s good in unorganized games where they’re diving you a lot because of her self sustain but ultimately i think you get way more value out of the other supports.
DVa and soujourn are 100% getting nerfed. Soujourn is literally good enough that there’s no reason to play the other hitscan, she literally does their jobs. That slide needs a nerf to the range and speed or the cooldown cause it’s a legit get out of jail card.
he's the worst tank by far and a shell of his former self when he was dps.
bro have you been playing this game or are you talking about the first one? Cuz I can’t agree
bro have you been playing this game or are you talking about the first one? Cuz I can’t agree
we might just be talking about the game from two different POVs, sure doom is fun and usable in quick play or other casual game modes but picking him in comp is basically throwing.