Ludacris got pork chop side burns
He been rapping bout chicken and waffles for the past 50years
The first time I heard this song I sent it to everyone I knew and I know they didn’t listen to it because I either got no response or a “this song is good”. Anyone who actually listened would not be giving me this reaction
for years I have been trying to put people onto him. multiple said they dont like his voice, like, f***ing how? main dude Im thinking of is a f***ing ritz stan too
for another friend I got the vinyl for xmas lol. this dude took awhile for me to get into veeze even but now hes a far bigger fan than me
dude just got so much personality. so many rappers might as well be a paper bag with a smiley face drawn on it in comparison.
this is why I believe he will be massive soon