  • Jun 3, 2021

    Palace x amg sheeesh

  • Jun 21, 2021

    Week 8

  • Jul 5, 2021

    Palace Juergen Teller



    UK in-store & online 11:00am BST
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  • Jul 5, 2021

  • Jul 5, 2021
    2 replies


  • Jul 5, 2021


  • Jul 5, 2021

  • Jul 5, 2021
    2 replies

    the tees and s/s are kinda cool. the cigaratte butt hoodie so so trash

  • Jul 5, 2021
    class wario

    the tees and s/s are kinda cool. the cigaratte butt hoodie so so trash

  • Jul 5, 2021
    1 reply

    excellent collab

  • Jul 5, 2021

    i adore juergen so yeah

  • Jul 5, 2021
    1 reply


    give me the dog shirt

  • Jul 5, 2021

    give me the dog shirt


  • Jul 5, 2021
    1 reply
    class wario

    the tees and s/s are kinda cool. the cigaratte butt hoodie so so trash

    You're gonna be in here six months from now saying something different

  • Jul 5, 2021

    You're gonna be in here six months from now saying something different

    I love a lot of palaces trashier stuff but that ones a huge no lol

  • Jul 5, 2021
    1 reply

    excellent collab

    you usually have interesting views so would be interested to hear you elaborate on that my exposure to teller is pretty surface and honestly the most recent thing about him that comes to mind is normies ragging on his magazine cover photo shoots last year

  • Jul 5, 2021



  • Jul 5, 2021
    1 reply
    class wario

    you usually have interesting views so would be interested to hear you elaborate on that my exposure to teller is pretty surface and honestly the most recent thing about him that comes to mind is normies ragging on his magazine cover photo shoots last year

    Nice, I'm happy to delve into the specifics of the collab further tonight but very broadly an appreciation of Juergen is one that is, more often than not, after-the-fact, it has to be contextualized in the wake of a lifestyle that is deeply centered around culture and artistic expression. so the casualness in the artistic forum flips the object of mystique that usually spawns out of finding art and abstractedness in the casual, in the everyday, and Juergen is such a master at leaving you wondering if your observations of his work are apt or downright foolish. Here I think he communicates this entire ideology quite beautifully and punctually in a way that still appeals to a young consumer base that by nature is more focused on the hype of this stuff than the meaning behind it.

  • Jul 5, 2021
    2 replies

    The puppy rayon lowkey trash and heat at the same time 😭

  • Jul 5, 2021

    The puppy rayon lowkey trash and heat at the same time 😭

    heat comes from the color and the fact dude looks like he just got put through hell

  • Jul 5, 2021
    1 reply

    Nice, I'm happy to delve into the specifics of the collab further tonight but very broadly an appreciation of Juergen is one that is, more often than not, after-the-fact, it has to be contextualized in the wake of a lifestyle that is deeply centered around culture and artistic expression. so the casualness in the artistic forum flips the object of mystique that usually spawns out of finding art and abstractedness in the casual, in the everyday, and Juergen is such a master at leaving you wondering if your observations of his work are apt or downright foolish. Here I think he communicates this entire ideology quite beautifully and punctually in a way that still appeals to a young consumer base that by nature is more focused on the hype of this stuff than the meaning behind it.

    i can definitely see that in the stuff from him i have been exposed to. i keep going back to it but i remember thinking the very act of doing very quick, casual photoshoots for celebs represented an interesting twist on something that is typically so stage managed. but also as you say i think it is easy to try and dissect these things for deeper meaning or otherwise and come out of it being even less sure than in the first place which i think turns what we typically go to art for on its head.

    i still think the cig hoodie isn't good but i can appreciate the casual, everyday imagery being flipped into an art or clothing piece

  • Jul 5, 2021
    class wario

    i can definitely see that in the stuff from him i have been exposed to. i keep going back to it but i remember thinking the very act of doing very quick, casual photoshoots for celebs represented an interesting twist on something that is typically so stage managed. but also as you say i think it is easy to try and dissect these things for deeper meaning or otherwise and come out of it being even less sure than in the first place which i think turns what we typically go to art for on its head.

    i still think the cig hoodie isn't good but i can appreciate the casual, everyday imagery being flipped into an art or clothing piece

    its accompaniment to the art IS the art. dev Hynes posing next to a tree is as much of a statement as a dev Hynes song, because we can't observe the dev Hynes tree photo as anything of substance without an understanding of dev Hynes as an artist and Juergen teller as a communicator of this whole thing blah blah blah

    so aesthetically speaking the cig hoodie is ugly but it plays into the narrative of the collaboration naturally on a macro level. the other hoodie, based on the ideology mentioned is probably the most powerful communicator of juergens style in this whole collection

  • Jul 6, 2021

    The puppy rayon lowkey trash and heat at the same time 😭

  • Jul 6, 2021
    1 reply

    palace still very cool

  • Jul 6, 2021
    2 replies

    palace rayons/shirts tts?

    ima cop doggo by any means. it looks better on their ig compared to product shots
