dont like the reebok colors but its cool that they are goretex
lets go
pics when in hand?
About to wear it tomorrow to work, finally some nice weather in nyc
About to wear it tomorrow to work, finally some nice weather in nyc
About to wear it tomorrow to work, finally some nice weather in nyc
drip alert
About to wear it tomorrow to work, finally some nice weather in nyc
looks fire my brother
cord hat kinda nice
estimated spring 2022 week 5 drop list
Part of me thinks the ying yang sweater is fire and the other part of me thinks it's kinda boring lol
Part of me thinks the ying yang sweater is fire and the other part of me thinks it's kinda boring lol
been stuck on this too
think that's what kept pushin me to the brown sweater they have
been stuck on this too
think that's what kept pushin me to the brown sweater they have
It’s like cool how they incorporated the P into it but in general it’s a boring design
It’s like cool how they incorporated the P into it but in general it’s a boring design
pretty much
like the longer i look at it the more i'm just like 'okay'
Part of me thinks the ying yang sweater is fire and the other part of me thinks it's kinda boring lol
i’m split on it too lol. maybe it’s the color
Think the Sand Goretex Reeboks are tight personally, mine came today.
aye nice
which ones you get
i’m split on it too lol. maybe it’s the color
the design is just bleh, probably not copping anything else from this season
cant believe we finally getting Palace x Kodak