  • May 8, 2024
    benzo belly

    How they got time to rap rn
    Free palestine

    well they're mostly in West Bank, but also that new album which came out was recorded before October

  • May 8, 2024
    1 reply
    benzo belly

    How they got time to rap rn
    Free palestine

    Majority of them live in Berlin in exile

  • Oct 8, 2024

    Shabjdeed and Al Nather dropped a new one on Oct 7th... 1 year of this madness now. stop terrorist israel already fml

    shabj album from this year rly grew on me, very beautiful

  • Oct 8, 2024
    1 reply

    shabjdeed+ al nather, julmud, amazing folk artist nadah el shazly and from egypt abyusif and 3phaz and a lot more rly sick arabic and middle eastern artists playing LGW this year ๐Ÿ˜ช maybe some more europe dates popping up around then too, haven't seen it so far tho

  • Oct 8, 2024
    1 reply

    shabjdeed+ al nather, julmud, amazing folk artist nadah el shazly and from egypt abyusif and 3phaz and a lot more rly sick arabic and middle eastern artists playing LGW this year ๐Ÿ˜ช maybe some more europe dates popping up around then too, haven't seen it so far tho

    damn good looking might just hit this

  • Oct 8, 2024

    2nd track in op is f***ing nuts

  • Oct 9, 2024

    damn good looking might just hit this

    only problem is it's been sold out literally before the lineup was even out lmao. but friends of mine were able to get tickets on ticketswap the other day and I'm hoping to also still

    lineup is absolutely ridiculous as always. it's a rly cool fest. I've been there all the past years. it's like spread throughout the city in various venues, one big one which has like 5 different rooms but then also lots of small ones in walking distance, even some concerts in churches

  • Oct 9, 2024

    nok from the future/014/Nader khalil

  • Oct 9, 2024
    perilous pearl

    Majority of them live in Berlin in exile

    do you know if this changed now w how much Germany has decidedly NOT been a safe haven for pro-Palestinian nvm Palestinian ppl lol? ๐Ÿซ  I do know Berlin got the biggest Palestinians community in europe generally tho

    did recently catch this young Palestinian DJ Falyakon during Berlin Atonal, she's really tight. pretty experimental mixing with a lot of hip-hop beats looped in including Mos Def and also ended her set on Muqataa's boiler room opening tune

  • Oct 18, 2024

    just stumbled on this gem, Hafti way too real for this powerful move to say all this in 2010 Germany too

    translated lyrics:

    A rough wind blows, it gets dark and cold
    He enjoys the silence again, before it pops
    He stands in the rain, bullets fly past
    The stones in his fist, soon it's all over
    He's hit, while throwing a stone
    He shouts his last words out loud: Freedom
    The year is 2010, Asia the continent
    Palestine the scene of the crime, listen to the bomb drop
    "Human is human" my ass
    Jews are waging a war against Muslims
    and vice versa Cho, everything revolves around money
    You only think about cashing in and bonuses
    All the presidents of this world
    Meet for a coffee and a line in Bolivia
    It's all lies in the media
    Instead of worrying, you go on your holiday
    While Gaza is burning
    And the mother holds her dead child in her arms
    Angela Merkel, Toni Blair, Sarkozy
    Shimon Peres, Obama I say stop the war
    Can you hear me Israel? Human is human
    Whether Isaac, whether Ismail
    I say Free Palestine
    Stop the war, boycott Israel
    I say Free Palestine
    Stop the war, boycott Israel
    I say Free Palestine
    Stop the war, boycott Israel
    I say Free Palestine
    Stop the war, boycott Israel
    I can't see it anymore,
    I can't hear it anymore
    and I can't understand it
    F***ed up people turn the wheel of fate
    Playing God man, it's way too hard for me
    I'm a pacifist, a street chronicler
    Who cherishes peace without ill intent
    It's dreary without peace in the skies of war
    Hear how women and children are wailing in el-Gaza
    See the color of fate shimmering in my eyes
    Stones against tanks, he wants to defeat his enemy
    Cut through his suffering and determine his own path
    Fight for his homeland and sing of freedom
    Barbed wire climate, bombs and tirades of hate
    People kill people Cho, in God's name
    That is the sad soul of the Middle East
    How much more blood will peace cost?

  • Nov 10, 2024

    was able to catch Shabjdeed & Al Nather as well as Julmud live sets at Le Guess Who? fest, v clear highlights of the weekend both for the music and how amazing the crowd was for them. have some footage I'm gonna try upload soon

    also special shoutout to Nicolas Jaar who made a rly touching speech during Darkside (likewise amazing) gig

  • Nov 10, 2024

    was a cool move that S&A left the stage at one point to just let the new music video play on the big screen. rly great video

    then Shabjdeed came back w a big book w the Sultan logo on it holding a speech in Arabic from a podium they put there while the video played, w English on the screen. love that LGW let them experiment w the format of the show like this

  • Dec 13, 2024

    Radio Alhara got a big profile on resident advisor ! RA ticketing is a capitalist turd but their editorial has been super supportive of the Palestinian cause for ages, props to them

  • Jan 31

    these beats are different. this is the next wave

  • ktt schleep ๐Ÿ›Œ๐Ÿ’ค

  • never seen the Boiler Room videos bout to peep

    Also, I completely forgot Sama Abdulhadi was Palestinian...amazing dj