@op he was saying facts to another comment about people under appreciating colours 2 and PM, open the full replies
nah he's mentioned pnd4 and colours 3 before too on an ig live
need slow stroke anthems
nah he's mentioned pnd4 and colours 3 before too on an ig live
Open the full comments fam, you 3 weeks late
this is late and a thread wasn't made cause he was saying "facts" to another comment in the replies.
this is late and a thread wasn't made cause he was saying "facts" to another comment in the replies.
Ty for backing me up
Open the full comments fam, you 3 weeks late
i just did and there's nothing. he was replying to the pnd4 and colours 3 comment
Next album will be called:
“just like Bryson”
Bro party birthed Bryson tf are you talking about
i just did and there's nothing. he was replying to the pnd4 and colours 3 comment
The comments aren’t in order like when the post was first made
colours 3 prob happening, idk bout pnd4
he's brought up pnd4 before as well. i forgot whether it was on ig or twitter. party the type to scrap albums tho